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meningitis shot, should I ????

Tue, July 02, 2013 8:09 PM

Hi everyone, 
     I am new to this sight and am glad that there is such a place to vent.
     My daughter is going away to college in August and recently got her physical form to be filled out, before entering.  One of the required/ recommended  injections  is the meningitis vaccine.  My understanding is that this is a live virus.  I was under the impression that  people on most of the crohns medicines{methotrexate and remicade} were not to have these viruses. 
      Has anyone had any experience in this area?    Any advice would be appreciated. 


FPO crohnsmom65
Joined Jul 2, 2013

Mon, July 15, 2013 11:14 PM

 Reply posted for crohnsmom65.

The only advice you should trust on this matter should come from your daughter's gastroenterologist. Give him/her a call to get the answer.

FPO kman484
Joined Apr 15, 2013

Mon, July 15, 2013 9:07 PM

 Reply posted for crohnsmom65.

I was told patients with IBD should only have shots that are dead.  You'll have to find out from your doctor.  Also if your doctor is going away to college, contact the disability office on the campus.  They are so helpful.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Mon, July 08, 2013 8:01 PM

 Reply posted for crohnsmom65.

I believe you are correct.  My daughter's pedi GI had included a test in her blood work that confirmed she didn't have immunization against chickenpox.  She had been vaccinated against them years ago, but supposedly her system didn't metabolize it appropriately.  Our GI had me call pediatrician to schedule shot asap, just incase she needed to jump to the next tier med, which was immune suppression.   Perhaps a call to your child's GI can clear this up,there may be a non-live version as there is with flu vaccine, or maybe a written doctor's note may be enough to excuse it.  Good luck. 

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009