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Am I going crazy?!?!

Tue, July 02, 2013 8:41 PM

In Jan of 2012, I started bleeding rectally...passing clots. Went to urgent care, the doc said it was hemorrhoids, and sent me home. After bleeding for a full 24 hours, I was taken to the ER. They admitted me to run tests. They did EVERY GI test out there, and said...we don't see anything wrong, you have IBS. I had horrible stomach pain, and joint pain in my right hip. Started taking some anti spasmodics...the bleeding stopped and I started feeling better. 

In October, I started bleeding rectally again and the pain was back.  I went to a different GI, he wanted to do another colonoscopy. He diagnosed me with UC   the Dr. Started me on Asacol, that day. It didn't work...we then tried Lialda. Still wasn't working. We did prednisone, and humira. NOTHING was working. We got the approval to try remicade. After one infusion, I started noticing my symptoms slowing down. I was EXCITED. I had 2 more infusions...on my 3rd infusion, I had an adverse reaction to the remicade. I ended up getting pulmonary edema. No more remicade for me.  I started passing mucous again and getting the abdominal cramping and the joint pain was back. 

I moved and ended up seeing another GI. I just had my 3rd colonoscopy in a year and a half. They got biopsy results and this doctor says he can't find anything, other than acid reflux. Am I crazy?  I've seen the pics of the colonoscopy, with the bleeding ulcer on it. Now this doc says he saw this normal?!?!?!?!?!

I'm relatively new to all of this stuff, and I'm still in pain, still passing mucous, still have joint pain, but he is saying I DON'T have UC. he says it may be seronegative colitis...anyone hear of that before?  

I feel lost and confused and like I'm going crazy. 

FPO nocnurse434
Joined Jul 2, 2013