Has anyone had experiences with Crohn's in school?
Reply posted for researchproject.
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Reply posted for researchproject.
You can definitely keep me in mind for when you expand your research to college students. And thank you, it's a big relief.
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
Reply posted for caiyah.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. Right now, I'm just recruiting people who were diagnosed (or had symptoms) in middle high school and high school. However, in the future I'm planning to survey and interview people who had experiences with illness in college. If (hopefully when!) I expand my study to look at college experiences, can I keep you in mind?
Reply posted for researchproject.
I was diagnosed after graduation. I got on Humira last yr & since my Crohn's was doing better I thought I could attempt college. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get on Disability & completely struggled during winter semester earlier this yr >.< I ended up having to "withdraw/drop" 2 of my classes cuz I kept catching the flu. I'll happily do what I can to help w/ your research project!
Reply posted for researchproject.
I recently graduated from college this past May. I was diagnosed at the end of my third year in school, in 2011. I would be happy to help with your research project. I think it's great you're doing one. I really struggled after I was diagnosed. It took me an extra year to complete school. I missed so many classes but I had wonderful professors who understood. Please let me know what I can do to help with your research project.
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