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Humira vs. Remicade while Pregnant

Thu, July 25, 2013 3:12 PM

Hey guys!

I'm 29 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's approximately 4 years ago. It has been one heck of a ride ever since, starting with Apriso, then onto Prednisone, then to 6mp. However, I'm at a Crohn's crossroads - I recently underwent a colonoscopy, which showed severe inflammation. My GI doc strongly recommends that I start on either Humira or Remicade immediately.

I am new to these big boy drugs and feeling overwhelmed by them. Can any of you tell me your experience with them and what I can expect? Also, my husband and I were hoping to start trying for babies in the next year or so. What are y'alls thoughts and experiences of taking either of these medications while being pregnant? What about breastfeeding?

Thank you in advance for your feedback! I love having this sounding board.

FPO josie9683
Joined Jan 30, 2012

Thu, July 25, 2013 4:40 PM

 Reply posted for josie9683.


I am 25 w/ 2 kids and used remicade through most of my second pregnancy. To begin with I am a huge advocate of remicade and noticed a huge difference between my two pregnancies. I was undiagnosed with my first one and was miserable...with my second one i was just a normal pregnant lady :) i had no issues what so ever with it and my child seems pretty normal!!!

FPO missevelyn
Joined Jul 25, 2013