Hello all! My name is Katie, I'm 19 and was diagnosed with Crohn's this January. I always get on this website to check in with what's new but never thought I would start writing myself. However, though my family is the best support group I could ask for, I don't always like to damper their days with whatever problems I'm dealing with concerning my Crohn's. So here is my big question: is there ever going to come a day where im happy and can accept my diagnosis, and not worry about what's going on inside my body? I've had 2 surgeries for rectal abscesses since my diagnosis, and though it's totally easy to accept what's going on with myself under the influence of pain medication, its just not that easy anymore! My Humira is working great for me, I have a wonderful GI doctor, and a family who will help me with whatever I need. I have great moments during the day but whenever I lay my head down at night there is always that worry, fear, and sadness that creeps up. I know im a Crohnie for life, but I would just like to know how to be a happy one. :)
Reply posted for katiediane.
Hi, I'm 21 years old and I was diagnosed with CD in 2009. I take Humira and Asacol and I am in remission. THANK GOD! But sometimes I almost forget I have CD then when I least expect it I can't stop thinking about it. I find that having a hobby or two that you really enjoy is the best way to take your mind off stressing. When I am stressed my crohn's flares up but when I'm happy it's fine. It's good to have people who understand and can cheer you up. I hope that things get better for you. I just joined this site and I'm shocked that I am posting but it is actually making me feel good.
Hope this helped
Reply posted for katiediane.
HI! I am 17(a high school senior) with Ulcerative Colitis and was diagnosed in March of my freshman year when I was 14. I learned that there came a time when I just had to accept that this was happening to me. I am a lot happier now, even though I am not in remission yet. I stopped worrying and have been trying to let my medications do their work. I have learned that having a support group around me is one of the only things that gets me through my day. my family and friends are what holds me together, and I really don't know what i would do without them.
So my tips to being happy with IBD are:
1. have a support group of your friends
2. write about it in a personal journal
3. you can have a day every once in a while where you just vent or cry
4. if you are mad, listen to some angry music and rip up some paper
5. see if you have another friend in a similar situation and talk about it with them.
Reply posted for thejaybreeze.
Hi Jason! I totally understand the pajamas part! It was this time around last year that I was starting to get sick so putting on my pajamas always makes me feel calm when i get nervous. I also understand you liking your alone time. When i was sick in bed a lot earlier in the year, i learned how to relax and be quiet, now when I get too stressed or busy I try to get back to that mind set. :)-katie
Reply posted for katiediane.
I'm a 19 year old male with Ulcerative Colitis and what I've realized is that IBD sucks, but it's the only thing I know in my life thats certain. It's hard but all I can do is my best because I know that I'll have the disease forever. I can't control the way other people see me but I can try and control my symptoms. Sometimes I stay in my pajamas all day and drink Ensure because I'm not feeling up for anything else. It doesn't make me a loser or a loner, it's just what's best for me and my health. Frankly, I enjoy the time I get to myself. I think one of the hardest things for me was feeling like nobody understood what I was going through. I recently started opening up and exploring more which has shown me that a lot of people do understand, which has given me peace. I'd love to talk more! Don't worry, be happy! :)
Reply posted for katiediane.
Hi. So I been a crohnie for 13 years. I'm 23. Diagnosed at 10 years old. I've been on almost every type of med. I'm now on remicade and I am finally coming into remission in my lower intenstine. Woo! Only took 13 years.... Anyways I know it can be really hard dealing with life and trying to keep up appearances with friends. Growing up I got made fun a lot for missing tons of school for surgeries and just feeling awful and painful. Kids in middle school were the worst. Back then it wasn't normal to be the 'sick kid'' and parents didn't teach their kids how to treat someone like me. I can tell it does get better. I def have my bad days. I've dealt with depression. How could I not? I've been dealing with meds and surgeries and treatment for almost half my life. The stress can be really hard. It's important to have someone to talk to. To share feeling with. Growing up I had my mom. Now I have my husband. It does get better. I know right now it might really suck, but think that once you find the treatment that works best for you, you will feel so much better! I feel so much better than I did even two years ago! Try to stay positive. Be active when you can. Push yourself to do things even when you don't feel good. Go for a walk when feeling down. Never isolate yourself. That's a mistake I made when I was 19 and I almost took my life from depression. Don't be me! Don't make my mistake. It gets better I promise! I hope maybe this will help somebody. Just know that whenever you feel alone there are so many people who are going through what you are. Always know that you can be happy. You just have to hope and believe that it will! :D
Reply posted for katiediane.
Katie hola, no se mucho de ingles pero coloquè tu mensaje en el traductor. No soy tan joven como tu,aunque mi diagnòstico es de colitis. La vida es hermosa y no la podemos convertir solo en enfermedad, en la medida de lo posible cuidate en las comidas, piensa que entre menos tiempo pases triste es mas facil sobrellevar y mantenerte en remisiòn. Comparte con tu familia lo maximo que puedas, ten mucho animo, vas a salir adelante, concentrate en otras metas, viviendo el dia a dia con objetivos de amarte y amar a los que estan a tu alrededor. He aprendido que debemos trabajar sobre los miedos, buscar ayuda si es necesario, hablar sobre ellos para que se superen
Reply posted for katiediane.
Can we be pen pals lol? I'm 22. I have crohns and diagnosed last August in the ER. Confirmed this past January . I just had surgery for anal abscess/fistula and seton placement. I too would like to have someone to talk to. My story seems similar to yours. I have a wonderful family and husband too. Married in February together 6 years. It's hard on him too. Please email me Sarah91207@yahoo.com anyone willing to be my friend :)
Reply posted for bailed1d.
Hi Dennis! Thank you for your prayers :) When i was diagnosed in January I was immediately put on prednisone and just got off of it at the very end of June. It was a very difficult medicine to take but my doctor insisted on it to help my inflammation. When on Prednisone I experienced weight gain, moon face, extreme mood swings, and ate food ALL THE TIME! it was hard but I know it was worth it because it helps inflammation so much! I have always taken what my doctor has prescribed to me because I know if I don't I will just end up worse and therefore have to take more medication! Now that i am healing up and getting into remission I only take Humira(shot) every other week. I know it can be so frustrating to take medication but it is the only way to get better! :)
Reply posted for katiediane.
I have a daughter who was diagnosed this year with Chrons and was prescribed prednisone. She just turned 16 this year and was taking the medication and now will not take it. I see you have gone through a lot with surgeries and was wondering did you take your meds as prescribed? i really hope you find some happiness in your battle to conquer this disease. The only advice I can give you is to make the most of the good days and remember on your bad days that their is always someone out there that is going through a lot worst. I will pray for you even though I don't know you and remember that God has a plan for you, if you reached out to him.. Remember,
"Don't Worry Be Happy" it will make you feel better. ;)
Dennis B
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