Okay I'm really needing help from other young adults. I'm 23 years old, I was diagnosed with Crohn's in July 2011, and I thankfully just graduated from college this May. The last 2 years of school was extremely difficult but now that I'm out I believe I'm struggling even more. My Crohn's is better but not 100%. I have IBS as well. I'm also depressed and that's contributed to Crohn's. I'm finding it really hard to just live life. I have my bachelor's but I cannot find a job. I cannot work full time at the moment because I am constantly having to use the bathroom and depression is getting the best of me. I'm exhausted and just want to do nothing. I'm 23 years old and should be living but it's seeming impossible. And just to note I am NOT considering hurting myself or committing suicide! I'm hoping there are some other young adults out there who can help me or even have similar stories to tell. Really I'm looking for any help.
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
Hey I know how your feeling! I'm going to be 21 in a few months, I was diagnosed in 2012 when I was 18. I had to delay going to college and getting a job because of it. i have struggled with depression, feeling sad because no one around me knows what it's like to have this. I'm just now starting to get moving on with my life and trying to have a better one and not let this disease get me down. If you ever wanna talk you can message me.
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
I know what you're going through hun.I'm 22 years old and I was diagnosed when i was 6. I was lucky enough to be in remission for several years but for the past year I've been bouncing from one med to the other. it makes work and school nearly impossible. People don't understand how frustrating it can be to not be able to perform one of life's most basic tasks. I've done as you have and avoided eating just to keep stomach pains at bay but that only works for so long. If you ever want to talk or just need to let it all out to someone who gets it I'm here,feel free to pm me. I wish you luck and hope you're doin better.
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
I hear ya and understand where your coming from. Im 23 and was diagnosed when I was 6, so I've been living with it for most of my life. I know that it's hard just doing basic everyday things, last year I was so sick I couldn't stand up and blow dry my hair without taking breaks because I was just so tired, and I have short hair! It affects everything from making friends, dating, work, etc. but it could be worse. I'm grateful for everything that life has brought me including my Crohns, because without it I wouldn't embrace my life as much as I do. all the best wishes and like everyone else I'm looking for someone to talk to as well so for anyone reading this that wants to chat say so! :)
Reply posted for careforcrohns.
hey im 21 and the hardest thing for me to do with crohns is just well...what the *** the to do with it and how to even conceptualize it.
i've been going through some hard times over the past few monhs, wouldn't say depression but just alot of pain in my mind. i feel like its a constant battle against the pain. i feel like crohns has really made an impact on me, for good and bad: it's helped me embrace an element of spirituality into my life but the pain is still there, every damn day.
i just have alot of problems really acknowledging the fact that crohn's impact on me is real. one way i used to deal with the ever present threat of stomach pain was to just get lost in thoughts, but now thats coming back to bite me. i feel like i've lost control of my thoughts, and sometimes they are consistently negative.
i also have no idea what is actually causing this everyday stomach pain; i've thought it was food so i went on a crazy regimented diet of like eggs, pb, bread and water for months. turns out that might have not been necessary. i've yet to find that alchol or dairy or fiber rich foods are associated with my stomach pain. i know i have some inflammation, but the doctors don't know wat to do with it. humira hasn't helped. ugh.
i just don't know what the *** to do any more.
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
Hey, I can totally understand I am 25 years old, been diagnosed the past 11years. My life had been at a complete stand still the past year due to a never ending flare from Crohn's, unable to work barely can go to school, I had 3 classes this semester and dropped because I couldn't seem to stay out of the hospital. Its definately tough but and it is extremely hard to even get up out of bed just to pee. Your peers will not understand but you need to be strong and try not to get too frustrated with any remarks because trust me you will get them a lot, and if you let that get to you you will not be able to beat the depression. help your mom understand that crohns effects the function of the entire body so it is more than just using the bathroom and stomach pains, and its far from being lazy. I started an organization for teens and young adults recently, go on the site and check it out, i even share my story how i actually was starving myself on purpose just to try to alleviate the pain, smh bad idea but it was just that bad i couldnt even drink water without being on the floor in pain. the site it www.careforcrohnsfoundation.com its fairly new and constantly being updated, but hopefully it will be a way for you to get more answers as far as how to deal because others your age are coping with it too. stay strong and healthy!
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
Hi there, my name is Taylor and I am 22 years old, in college and was diagnosed with Chron's in February of 2012. I completely relate to your issues - I'm in college and have struggled through classes while dealing with my symptoms. I also am feeling completely exhausted and have a hard time finding motivation to do anything most days. If you ever want to talk, about symptoms or things to do to help, I'm open to making a new friend. Try exercising on a regular basis to get your energy levels up. It may seem hard at first but it really does help. I would also consider talking to your doctor about your depression and your symptoms. Maybe there is another medication route you can take.
Thanks so much, I hope you're feeling better soon!
Reply posted for kaysthoughts.
hi guys. sorry to hear that news about your diagnoses. i was diagnosed 13 years ago with severe crohns. im 23 now. life has been really tough. its not easy to go through what we go through. i always try to think about the fact that someone always has it a lot worse than me. sometimes life sucks but we cant give up. ive been dealing with depression and it really helps me to write in a journal everyday. i also have my husband whois my best friend who always loves to listen to me :) i hope everyone has been feeling a bit better!
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
hi,, my name is mickey i have chrons colitis doc says im a hybrid so to speak, i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2008 and this year the doc thought it was chrons and now cant dicipher between the two.. so he said im basically a hybrid which i mean wouldve been cool if i was a vampire/ werewolf lol ... so i have been dealing with this for awhile and am going through all the things you are. im starting remicade tomorrow (oct11) and currently have been out of work since oct last year. i have been doing a couple things from home which maybe able to help your current situation as it has helped mine financially that is. it has been really hard on me having this disease as i am a mother of 2 and a wife and was working since 15 . was denied ssi twice and same with tdi because they didnt get records on time which is bull. Also dealing with depression (on and off) & arthritis .. we can exchange info if you would like to speak more. like you stated it is pretty hard for family/friends co workers etc. to understand if they aren't going through it themselves
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
I have a similar situation. I am 25, was diagnosed in 2009. I struggle withh CD in my daily life, mainly with working and being able to go out places. I get depressed as well when I have my bad days.
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
Hey! I'm 23 as well and just diagnosed with Crohn's a month ago. I totally understand how you're feeling right now....it's totally confusing and frustrating and you just feel like your life is falling apart and it shouldn't be because we're so young! If you want someone to chat with, let me know....we can email penpal =) It's hard cuz I know friends and family are trying to relate, but it's hard when they don't know how we feel! Good luck!
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
I was just diagnosed in June of this year. Took so long to finally figure out what was wrong with me. Just like everybody else, I had every test done known to man kind! lol I am starting my last year of nursing school next week. I'm getting nervous though.
what types of food do you stay away from?
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
I am 19 years old And I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease back in 2010.
Living with Crohn's disease was hard. Feeling tired all the time and have Anemia just put a
toll on me. Friends and family did not understand at first because they would want you to
do actives that a young 15 year ok kid so do. Finishing high school was tuff. I am
Currently taking Humana now 3 months and I have been feeling better. I use to take entocort
Currently I am in community college and trying to live life with Crohn's disease.
Reply posted for openears.
It is really hard to go out and do things. It's also hard to tell family and friends because they don't understand. I think they're tired of hearing it. My mom thinks I need to do this and do that but she's making me more stressed out. She really doesn't understand depression and the toll it takes. Her barking at me doesn't help. I would love to work from home but what job does that?
Reply posted for amarie1218.
I almost feel better when I don't eat too. It's hard because I love food. I'm just finding it hard to do anything. When were you diagnosed?
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
Hey! I'm 23 and trying to adjust, to say the least. I am having a difficult time doing things I used to have no problem with, such as going to the gym, etc. I just feel so much better when I simply do not eat. I feel your pain!
Reply posted for kjmcgee.
I understand where you are coming from and why you are feeling depressed due to your Crohn’s disease. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitits in 2011 and every now and then my liver enzymes run high (not sure why, but they do). When I have a flare-up, the only thing I want to do is sleep and stay out of public. One thing that I find helpful when I am not feeling well or rundown is telling someone (a friend, a family member, ect) exactly how I am feeling and why. That way I have some contact with the outside world and help if I need it. Exercising and keeping my stress levels down also help…one thing that triggers a flare-up for me is stress. Have you considered working from home? That way you will have easy access to the restroom. I hope this information is helpful.
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