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job suggestions?!

Sat, August 24, 2013 6:47 PM

I wanna attempt working again but not sure what I should do >.< I only have experience in fast food since being a young teen that was really the only option at the time cheeky & since I'm currently on Humira w/ the whole it completely destroying my immune system I get sick very easily, & most jobs are pretty dang stressful >.< plus I'm preggers & will be 11 wks on Tuesday. Any suggestions for anyone else who's been in my situation?! I wanna start working again since I currently can't attempt school right now & help my hubby out so I can pay my own medical bills w/o him worrying about it since he's currently going to school full-time & work part-time to finish his associate's since he had to take the past yr off to take care of me when I was in major flare-up mode >.<

FPO caiyah
Joined Jan 8, 2013

Thu, September 19, 2013 1:48 PM

 Reply posted for caiyah.

I have crohns disease and it was difficult for me to hold a job because of my onset pain. I now work when I want to and my crohn's is in remission for the first time! If you're interested in information, email me!

FPO brittanycurrey
Joined Sep 19, 2013