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College and Alcohol

Thu, August 29, 2013 9:49 AM

I'm a prospective freshman leaving for college tomorrow. I know I'm going to be drinking alcohol in college and I was wondering how I could minimize the risks while taking methotrexate.

I'm taking 15 mg of methotrexate once a week. I plan on going to a party at most once a week. I also take my medication Monday night so if I had the time from Monday thru Friday or Saturday for my body to process the methotrexate in my liver. If I drank 2-3 alcoholic beverages over the space of a few hours, and knowing the context I just gave to you, is that safe to do on methotrexate? Also I'm an 18 year old male, 5'9'' and 140 lbs. No one in my family has a history of liver disease or alcoholism.

FPO kmcgonagle
Joined Aug 29, 2013

Mon, December 02, 2013 5:42 PM

 Reply posted for kmcgonagle.

I went to college last year as a freshman and I can tell you that beer or any carbonated beverage didn't work at all for me, vodka was the only thing that didn't destroy me but it wasnt worth it. I'm 19 now and haven't drank since the first semester of college. I just tell everyone that I can't drink for health reasons, and they respect that. Don't just say you don't want a drink because the first thing that you'll get is a drink. I also realized that partying sounded fun in theory to me but in reality I hated it. Honestly you'll probably have way more fun inviting a girl to your room (two if you include Mary Jane) and watching a movie.

FPO thejaybreeze
Joined Dec 2, 2013

Mon, October 21, 2013 6:50 PM

 Reply posted for kmcgonagle.

College the best times of your life! enjoy it and have fun and be safe! I would suggest staying away from beer for some reason beer always would upset my stomach. Stick to the heavy stuff and straight if you can. I found that vodka and sprit seems to be a great drink and didn't make me very sick. Good luck and be safe! 

FPO szach11
Joined Oct 21, 2013

Thu, September 19, 2013 2:13 PM

 Reply posted for kmcgonagle.

I would recommend no alcohol! I have crohns disease, and when i was put on methotrexate a few years ago, they said no drinking what so ever. Be safe!

FPO brittanycurrey
Joined Sep 19, 2013

Tue, September 10, 2013 12:34 PM

 Reply posted for kmcgonagle.

I just started taking methotrexate last night and it is stated clearly in the drug info. packet no alcohol.   Total let down, because I do enjoy a cocktail with dinner; however I will be refraining to ensure my liver doesn't get damaged and my condition worsens.   Good luck to you.

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, September 08, 2013 1:54 PM

 Reply posted for kmcgonagle.

hey! so welcome to college and congrats on the most stressful time of your life. i don't have crohns but am a caretaker for my bf who we believe has it. we are both jr/sr engineering majors so we understand the stress. personally i would just stay away from the alcohol. there is a lot of pressure to fit into those parties, but what is more important, that social acceptance or feeling your best you can? i'm not saying don't drink, i just think its better if you allow your body to stay clean of it. just with side effects & the possibility of staying sick. i'm playing *** just to keep my bfs classes together including my own. i just would hate to see another kid suffer from missing classes because they are sick. everyone is different though and you should do what you think is best, even if you do drink i would keep it light and see how it goes. be careful and don't be too crazy! best wishes to you <3

FPO scm0014
Joined Sep 7, 2013

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