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College and UC

Wed, December 11, 2013 1:19 AM

Hi! I was diagnosed in 2010 with Ulcerative Colitis.  I am now a freshman in college about to finish my first semester and its been rough. Do yall have any advice for dealing with this in college?(especially since I share a bathroom with 18 other girls) also if I am apply for disability and get accepted what would be the benefits? thanks!!

FPO littleone937
Joined Dec 11, 2013

Thu, January 30, 2014 4:09 PM

 Reply posted for littleone937.

I would say carry around perfume in your purse to stray when u do go to the bathroom. U can manage trips to the bathroom by managing what u eat. No fried foods. Stick to mostly crabs. I get disability but I think the amount depends on what state u live in. If u don't get it the first time, Appeal!

FPO holdontofaith
Joined Jan 30, 2014

Sun, December 29, 2013 3:18 PM

 Reply posted for littleone937.

HI! I'm Rachel and I was diagnosed in 2011 with UC. I am a high school senior and was diagnosed in March of my freshman year, I have learned that a stash of clean clothes and baby wipes are the way to go. I keep them nearby at all times. I have constant flare ups and having a person or two that knows about me having UC really helps too. Stress is what really sets me over the edge with flare ups. If I am too stressed out, my flare ups tend to be a lot worse and I can't focus becasue I am so worried about my flare up. Try yoga or making sure that you take a well needed nap, watch a tv show, go on the internet, or read a good book before you dive into something. It will help you de-stress a lot and make your day a little bit better after relaxing. Hope this helps!!

FPO rachelmouse
Joined Dec 29, 2013

Tue, December 24, 2013 1:07 PM

 Reply posted for littleone937.

Greetings! I would strongly advise you to keep a stash of baby-wipes with you at all times (carry them in your purse, backpack, or what have you), and confide in someone you trust. Another piece of advice: do not stress out too much. Trust me, keeping calm has helped keep my symptoms at bay. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis my sophomore year of college…I am not a senior and have not had a flare-up all semester. I am not sure what the benefits would be if you apply for disability…. you will need to work something out with disability services. Hope this helps!

FPO openears
Joined Mar 4, 2012

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