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Sat, January 18, 2014 4:53 PM

I was recently diagnosed with UC over the holidays. I have been wanting a new tattoo for a while now and my birthday is next month and I was wanting to get it then. I was concerned with the risk of getting one with UC though. Would it be okay to get one as long as everything is clean? I know that hepatitis is a concern, but am I just being overly scared here? Any advise or experience with getting tattoos with UC? Thanks!!

FPO slh579
Joined Jan 15, 2014

Sun, January 19, 2014 12:42 PM

 Reply posted for lizzies mom.

Thanks for the input! I'm not worried about pain or anything. I got a tattoo years ago before I had UC ( had my first flare up in September and was diagnosed at the hospital the first of this year). I know the shop is credible and clean and everything, and have seen the artist work, uses all new needles and everything, but I want a piece above my elbow on the back of my arm, and it will be a good sized piece, and I am worried about healing and infection. I know that hep c is a risk for people with UC, but I know the shop and equipment are clean, so is that risk still a factor of everything is cleaned properly? And what about the risk of infection in general. Am I at greater risk for an infection even if I care for it properly during healing, or will it heal normally and all if I follow proper care instructions? I know I'm probably being overtly cautious and paranoid, but I just don't want to add any other problems to my health. Thanks again for the response!

FPO slh579
Joined Jan 15, 2014

Sun, January 19, 2014 10:49 AM

 Reply posted for slh579.

I have CD and got a tattoo a few years back.  Make sure you are going to a reputable shop in a safe/clean environment.  Also, be selective as to what and where you are inking, after all it is permanent!   Sorry, that is the "mom" coming out.  Don't overthink it, all will be fine.  It doesn't even really hurt.  Good luck 

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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