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Toilets in Europe

Sun, January 26, 2014 1:38 PM

I'm  planning on traveling to London and Paris in the near future.  What  has been others experiences  in these cities when you've  had an urgent need to find a toilet?

FPO bayguy13
Joined Jan 17, 2013

Thu, July 31, 2014 7:59 PM

 Reply posted for bayguy13.

Hi! I actually just got back from a trip in Paris. And I can say I didn't really enjoy the bathroom situation. For one. If you need to go I always went into a restaurant. Make sure you if you aren't eating there to just look for the toilet sign and walk straight there and straight out. Never make eye contact because they will make you but something. Secondly. You will not find bathrooms like we have in the US. There will be one or two doors with only a toilet. And then you will walk out to a sink. Beware. The two doors are not going to be identified male or female so the bathrooms might have urine or not be as clean as you accept them to be. If you take "the subway" make sure you go before you get on the train. There is no toilets down there. Good luck! And I hope this helped.

FPO ryleightmurray
Joined Jul 31, 2014

Tue, July 15, 2014 5:39 PM

 Reply posted for bayguy13.

Of course toilets work the same but I can totally relate to your question. I moved from The Netherlands to the US in 2004 and was surprised how much easier it was to find a public restroom. In Europe and England it's not common to have restrooms in grocery stores etc. So going there used to make me nervous.

However you can usually always find a gas station or fast food restaurants where restrooms are available but you might have to pay. Even in department stores its very common that you have to pay to use the restroom. So prepare for that and carry change. 

FPO happyhanneke
Joined Aug 29, 2013

Mon, April 28, 2014 1:44 AM

 Reply posted for bayguy13.

I`m a brit living on the east coast of america,the bathrooms in England and rest of europe work just the same as in america,somtimes in large citys like London the public toilets requre money so maybe carry lose change so you can use them,also I find all big/medium citys have plenty of fast food restaurants like mcdonalds/burger king,pizza hut etc,so use there bathrooms,there always clean.

FPO ricardo
Joined Apr 28, 2014

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