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Going on week 4 in the hospital

Fri, March 28, 2014 9:05 PM

I have been the hospital for almost 4 weeks now with a Crohn's flare. I have never been this sick before and I was wondering if anyone had had similar experiences? It has been so painful dealing with all of the medications and their side effects, especially the steroids. I have had to get two blood transfusions and when I think things are getting better and I may get to go home, something else happens.

Is there anyone who can relate or can maybe help me through the days when its just really really hard to stay positive?

FPO asokol3
Joined Mar 13, 2014

Fri, September 12, 2014 8:01 AM

 Reply posted for asokol3.

Staying positive can be really tough.

When I was in the hospital for 3 weeks at one point, I shared my hand lotion with the nurses and my parents brought me my favorite foods just to get me to eat.

My advice would be to reach out like you've done, rather than shut yourself off, read a good book to take your mind off the pain, and know/believe that things WILL get better.

FPO mrsgali
Joined Sep 24, 2013

Wed, May 28, 2014 3:56 PM

 Reply posted for asokol3.

I was stuck in hospital for 3 weeks after I was told I would be in for 3 days  IV steroids. I hope all goes well!

FPO harry sando
Joined May 28, 2014

Sun, April 13, 2014 11:54 PM

 Reply posted for asokol3.


I've had Crohn's my whole life and I'm 22 now so I've seen it all and had all the surgeries and been on most of the medications. So I understand how much this must suck! I hope you're out by now and if you need someone to talk to I will gladly give you my email address! 


FPO caitwith9lives
Joined Apr 13, 2014

Tue, April 01, 2014 9:33 PM

 Reply posted for asokol3.

When I had a really bad UC flare that made me bed ridden for several weeks, it was not fun. I still remember how sick I was.

Hope you get well soon.

FPO crc1980
Joined Apr 1, 2014

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