For years I've been battling GI issues (low appetite, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains--lead to anxiety/depressed). Doctors were saying IBS or just stress. I had enough so I recently did a colonoscopy and endoscopy two weeks ago. Just heard from what they saw with the irritation it was nothing "remarkable" so they said it could all be in my head. What worries me is my brother was diagnosed with Crohn's last year but that took 2 long years of him being really sick. They only really caught it during a CT scan...does it usually take a long time for them to find IDB/Crohn's???
Reply posted for dlucero.
Sorry for the typos
Reply posted for merkb7661.
Thanks for replly
Yea so last week I had to go to the ER because of constant nausea/dehydration. They did a CT scan and they still didn't see anything that would create a diagnosis so I'm still waiting ...with chronic stomach pain and waiting for upcoming office visit. I can we'll see
Reply posted for dlucero.
They didn't find mine on my first flare. Crohn's is one of the most difficult diseases to accurately diagnose, because it mimics many other conditions (IBS, Silliac, UC). They will find it eventually if it is there, I just pray that they do before if causes ireparrable scarring. Then you're talking surgery.
Reply posted for dlucero.
You just may not have Crohns or Colitis even if you think you do.
Hope you feel better and you truly do not have IBD
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