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College student with UC

Tue, October 28, 2014 8:59 PM

When I was in 10th grade, I was on accutane and developed Ulcerative Colitis from it. Since then, I have been fine. In August, I got bronchitis and since I got it, I have had this cough and really bad pain in my stomach. I have also been having a lot of trouble going to the bathroom. My doctor said it was a fissure and gave me cream, which doesn't seem to be working. I am also so tired all the time, extremely bloated, and I always feel sad. I don't know what to do about it anymore because my doctors are not close by and it's a hassle to try and get an appointment with someone in my area. I just always feel so tired and sad and have constant stomach pain and trouble going to the bathroom, and I just feel like no one understands. Sometimes, I just feel like I am being a hypochondriac. I went to the hospital about a month ago because the pain in my stomach was so bad. They never diagnosed me with anything and I still get the stomach pain but I feel bad complaining about it because it just seems like no one believes me and it's hard to be a senior in college with all this work and just feel so drained all the time. Does anyone else ever feel like this?

FPO jjlm101
Joined Oct 28, 2014

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