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Body Image/Food Issues

Thu, November 13, 2014 11:13 PM

I'm a 22 year old female who was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at the age of 14, back in 2006. I'm writing this post because I'm wondering if anyone else has struggled with body image/food issues as a result of their diagnosis?
I think it first started when I went from being severely underweight (back in 2006) to then rapidly gaining weight from being put on prednisone. I felt ashamed and self-conscious and absolutely hated how I looked. Even though I was eventually able to get back down to a normal weight, the negative impact that this incident had on my body image has continued to this day.

On a given day I can go from feeling too tiny and weak and skinny to then feeling bloated, and ultimately "fat." I think my problem is that whenever I get bloated, I get so anxious about how I look and appear to other people and get worried that I look fat. Whenever I'm feeling gross inside (i.e. inflamed) I think that I assume that it will somehow translate to my external appearance. I know it sounds superficial to be focusing so much on how I look, but I can't help it. 

Another related issue that I am currently struggling with is food. As a result of having colitis, I've had to cut out a lot of enjoyable foods and always need to watch what/how much I eat. Combined with my existing body image issues, this has had a negative effect. I'm really struggling with finding the balance between wanting to eat healthy in terms of my colitis and wanting to eat healthy and limit my food for other, unhealthy reasons. I don't know if any of that made much sense as it is super difficult for me to articulate this internal battle that I'm going through. 

Overall, having this disease has made me hate my body and it's destroyed my relationship with food. It's an uncomfortable topic for me to talk about and I was wondering if there is anyone out there who feels a similar way or can at least relate on some level?

FPO zeezee23
Joined Nov 13, 2014

Thu, November 20, 2014 10:45 PM

I agree with you 100% that this is uncomfortable to talk about, but after feeling isolated and alone for so long, it is nice to talk to others that understand. I am so thankful I found this site after my dr. recommended that I find a support group. I took prednisone and after only 2 weeks I quit taking it due to weight gain and bloating. This disease causes enough bloating, so I wasnt going to put myself through that. My dr has recommended an organic diet for me, and that is not so easy. When I get invited to lunch or dinner with friends, it gives me anxiety. I never know what foods are going to make me sick. Its also hard with my husband b/c he does not eat healthy at all. It does make life more complicated, but just try to be as healthy as possible. I have lost my prednisone weight just from going to a mostly organic diet. I feel all around healthier. Good luck with everything and dont be ashamed to talk about it. Talking has really helped me.

FPO cocofaith
Joined Nov 15, 2014

Fri, November 14, 2014 2:57 PM

 Reply posted for zeezee23.

I can related with some of what you are saying. My daughter was dx very young (4) w/Crohns - she is now 14 and is her own worst critic!  Consistently thinking she is "fat".   We are now working with a psychologist to work through some of these issues;  I recommend you do the same, you don't want this to lead to bigger problems, depression / anxiety, etc.  There is help out there, you just need to ask for it.

All the best

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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