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Mother problems

Sun, December 14, 2014 9:24 AM

So my mom has always been my biggest advocate but lately she's been saying that I am complaining of pain too much (UGH) but what hasn't occurred to her is that my symptoms have been getting worse! I don't know what to tell her but I've been having severe stomach pain (worse than normal even "flare normal") and I've been having joint pain and achiness any help is... Well... Helpful

FPO madisondresler
Joined Dec 14, 2014

Sun, January 04, 2015 1:07 PM

 Reply posted for madisondresler.

I understand completely how you feel.  When I was 13 my condition worsened to a point where I had dropped 25 lbs in a month. At that point my Mom brought me  to a dr who misdiagnosed me as having was so hurtful to me that my own mother didn't believe that I was eating!!!  To this day, I will be 45 the end of the month, it still lingers in the back of my mind.  

I have realized that medicine back then simply was no where near as it is today.   Technology wasn't there, IBD wasn't fully understood and people like me were terribly misdiagnosed.  Now that I'm a mother myself I know deep in my heart she did what she thought was best and meant no harm by listening to the doctor's opinion.   It wasn't for 25 years later that I was officially diagnosed and that was several years AFTER one of my own daughters was.

Please do one thing, forgive your mom so you can heal your relationship; life is too short not too!  Be persistent with your mom and your doctor.  If you aren't feeling better and / or not improving you have a voice, use it!.  You don't want a situation become  an emergency and suffer a rupture / blockage or otherwise.

Good luck in your journey..... Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Tue, December 16, 2014 1:32 AM

 Reply posted for madisondresler.

First of all I'm sorry for what you are going through. I went through my worst times when I was 14-16 years old. My mother didn't believe me for a very long time until one day when I was in the bathroom for about half an hour when she picked the lock because she hears crying. What she saw made her believe I was as sick as I was. A toilet full of blood... No mother would ever turn a blind eye to that. If you need help showing her how sick you are talk to the school nurse. Explain to her the severity of your condition. Sit down with her and show her some of these discussions. This is nothing to take lightly. Severe flare-ups can be life threatening. My final flare-up ended with me in emergency surgery with my surgeons unsure if I would pull through and having to remove my entire colon. So please talk with her, and keep us updated. Good luck And if you have any questions or just need to talk please let me know

FPO justdonovan01
Joined Dec 15, 2014

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