My name is Hannah. I was diagnosed with Crohns and acid reflux in August. I have been on Pentasa and I'm currently on Lialda. I've had symptoms for a couple years, and it's only getting worse. I try to cook at home as much as possible, but I've found the sight and smell of food while cooking makes me so nauseous, I don't want to eat once the food is ready. I'm usually not hungry when I begin to cook (I rarely am). Sometimes I can bring myself to eat, and if I do my symptoms are worse. Does anyone else experience this? Are there any suggestions to help combat this?
Reply posted for hhill19.
hey I have the same problem i want to certain things and I can't
Reply posted for hhill19.
Hi Hannah,
I'm also on lialda, but have had my UC in remission for a while, so I only take it when I start to feel a flare up starting.
I agree with the others that smaller portions are really helpful, but I also found that a great part of my naseau was due to not retaining enough fluids. Now whenever I have a flare up, I pick up some Pedialyte, which helps me from loosing my appetite.
Reply posted for hhill19.
I am the same way, I find that eating less works for me smaller portions also ORGANIC foods helped out my UC a lot. Bananas, fish, organic chicken, some veggies, and plain white rice, LOTS of water & non sweetened tea. (: !
Reply posted for hhill19.
I've been the same way lately. I just don't feel hungry or I feel sicker if I do eat. Lately I've been trying very small meals throughout the day with just eating a banana and then a few hours later a granola bar etc. it seems to be helping little. Hope that helps you!!!
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