I recently changed my diet radically to fit into a new, healthier lifestyle. Used to eat processed, greasy, fat, salty food. Soda etc. Now i'm eating more salad, almonds, granola, drinking lots of water, not a lot of protein other than a turkey sandwhich here and there. I've noticed with the new eating my stool has become very hard and difficult to pass with out pain. Plus, the harder ihave to push just to get it out, the more bleeding happens.
Any idea what kinds of foods I need to stop eating to help with this hard stool and the kinds of foods I should start to eat more of to help with a more "normal" soft stool??
I've had Crohn's for seven years and never had this issue. ?? I'm currently taking Lialda 1000mg 4x day.
Thank you!
Perhaps you have been told something different but all of your new foods are things I have been told by my doctors not to eat...nuts, leafy greens, etc. Sometimes for hard stools I will stir a little miralax into my water and that seems to help.