Hi Im a junior in college and am having the worst time dealing with this. Ive been stuck in my house for almost two weeks because Im scared to leave the house durring my flare up. Ive tryed cutting dairy alcohol and any fatty foods out of my diet. I cant help but cry. I want my life back. I love to go out with my friends and drink and I cant do that anymore and I dont want to be around it since I cant drink so I havent had much of a social life lately and its killing me. Im even thinking about droping my classes now because Im too enbarassed to go to class. I have no one to relate to. I feel like my boyfriend friends and family dont understand and make me out as a drama queen when I dont want to leave the house or do anything :( does anyone have any suggestions on how to control my flare up ?
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Engage, a nationwide market research company, is conducting a research study on behalf of a major pharmaceutical company on the topic of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn’s) The research study will mostly take place on a mobile app, but will also include some online activities using a computer. You will be interacting with a research moderator, and will be asked to complete tasks and activities including responding to questions, and uploading photos/videos/voice clips to help illustrate your thoughts.
Joined Aug 27, 2015
Reply posted for carinaxo.
I'm a sophomore in college so I can deff relate! First I would say contact the school about getting accommodations, I get them so that if I am absent a lot I don't get penalized for it and I can make up a test or assignment that I missed. I just transferred colleges bc being away and being sick was way to hard for me. Maybe try working out? I know it sounds weird bc when you don't feel well you feel weak, but getting up and doing a little bit sometimes helps. Also maybe try yoga. I have been gluten free for a year and it has helped me a lot. Best of luck!
Reply posted for carinaxo.
You need to talk with your doctor about getting paperwork filled out for the Americans with disabilities act (ADA). You have perfectly acceptable reasons for this and it will help alleviate some stress with school work. There are certain rights that institutions of certain size must provide you. You're really right people dont understand (especially significant others...I have a brand new ostomy bad which I am SUPER self conscious of i dont want anyone to touch me) what its like with crohn's the constant worrying can be unbearable, not wanting to do anything bc you may not know where a bathroom is. Im now a 25 year old medical student and Im just starting a blog to share experiences/tips for young adults like us.
----you really need to talk w/ your doc about the ADA it can be very helpful going forward for you
check out the blog, let me know what you want to see on there and ill get it done (i have nothing better to do recovering from surgery)
Reply posted for lizzies mom.
Thanks for the advice! I have ulcerative colitis and drinking when I'm not on a flare up doesn't bother me but this is the fisrt time since I was diagnosed back in 2012 that I have had a bad flair up so I'm thankful for that. My main problem is diharea which is gross
Reply posted for carinaxo.
I'm a mom of a daughter who was dx w/Crohns @ 4 and I too was dx a few years back. There is a huge learning curve when it comes to lifestyle/diet, etc. I agree with the previous post and even your own thought......smaller / more frequent meals and no alcohol. Giving up alcohol was a biggie for me (and I'm 45)! Every time we go out to dinner and they ask for a bar order I order cranberry and club - I feel the attendant looks at me like I must be a recovering alcoholic!!
Start out with the basics, limit and /or eliminate dairy, gluten, sugar, alcohol, foods high in fiber,processed and fried foods. I know that sounds like a lot, but take it one step at a time, doesn't have to be all at once. Get into the habit of carrying snacks with you so you never run out of steam during the day.
As far as college is concerned, you'd be surprised how much your university can help you.....you just need to know where to go and who to ask. The office of special services can arrange for many accommodations, if you live on campus they can tailor a menu and assist in nutritional education / implementation. You can also receive accommodations if there are attendance issues or if you feel you need additional time for timed test (if the stress) is too much to bear. My eldest had jaw surgery 3 months before starting her freshman year at a large university and we had gone through the motions and I can't express helpful they really were. Talk with them before throwing in the towel.
Lastly, surround yourself with good / positive people. It will make a world of difference, you'll really see who your true friends are when the times get tough. Hang in there, things will settle down and get better, hopefully soon!
Reply posted for carinaxo.
I'm currently on Apriso and Uceris. Uceris to deal with the flare up and Apriso is my usual medicine. The Apriso helps most of the time but some days not much. I'm not finished with my Uceris regimen so I can't comment on that one yet
Reply posted for southerngirl.
Yes thank you I deff will message you! What medication are you on and is it helping ?
Reply posted for carinaxo.
Im also having trouble dealing sometimes. Im a senior and trying to pick a college and I cant help but wonder how being sick will affect me depending on where I go which has stressed me out a lot. Ive been missing school like its my job and my grades are not as high as I would like because I just cant keep up. I completely understand how you feel and it absolutely sucks. One of the things that Ive tried is small meals. Like super smal. Ive been eating about 9 times a day - a banana here, a granola bar here, some dry cereal and it seems to help. Another thing Ive been doing that has helped is getting up about an hour and a half before I have to leave the house and taking my medicine (assuming you are on a daily medication) so it can kick in before I leave. As for the emotional side, try to lean on friends and family although I know it can be hard because they dont understand the full situation. Ive been told that the flare up (I have one currently too) should go away so Im also holding onto that hope. And you can message me if you need someone whos going through the same thing :) good luck!
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