Hello everyone, Im 25 year old medical school student from Virginia and i was diagnosed with Crohns in 2007. Reading all your posts it is encouraging and inspiring honestly to know were not alone with this pain and frustration because damn I have felt alone for the better part of my life, im sure many of you understand.
I just spent almost a month in the hospital due to emergency surgery for perforated bowel and peritonitis. While I was there a doctor told me to start blogging about life with Crohns. I had no intention of doing it until I started looking for crohns blogs written by young men....I guess men dont write blogs. I just started a blog that ive written some things to already and will be adding alot of content to during my recovery.
I want to talk about the stuff young adults care about (being an ostomate and a boyfriend, getting through college, the frustration of failing regimens, what to do with insurance when we turn 26 etc etc) so please go check out the blog leave some comments for me let me know how i can make this thing better so that other people newer to dealing with crohns can have a smoother transition.
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