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Birth Control Issues! Need Help!

Wed, February 04, 2015 12:06 PM

I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was twelve though the doctors think I've had it since I was seven. (I had pancreatitis when I was younger and they believe it was because of Crohn's.) I'm now eighteen and going to college full-time.

I've recently told my mother that I'm no longer a virgin and she suggested visiting a doctor about getting on birth control. I've been on several different kinds of BC. I don't remember the names of the previous things I've taken but on the first one I had some spotting so I got off of it and the doctor gave me a second kind. I started getting nauseous and having diarrhea from it. So now I'm currently on Loryna. (I guess it's some generic form of Yaz.) I was fine when I first started taking it and we thought, "Yes this one works, finally!" But recently I've started having the nausea and diarrhea.

I recently switched GI doctors as I'm no longer going to Children's. So my doctor knows my story but hasn't seen my insides and hasn't been worried about it as I've been in remission. Last Friday, January 30, I had my first MRI so I wouldn't need a colonoscopy so the doctor could see if I was having a flare up because we didn't believe my BC was causing issues again. Last night, February 3, I Googled about BC and Crohn's and apparently we need low estrogen BC or something. My MRI results just came back completely normal (unfortunate to a point) but I've been feeling so sick!

What's going on with me? Is it my birth control and if so what should I do? My mother is telling me to not stop taking the Loryna and to remove gluten from my diet but I have no access to do so because I live on the food at school and they don't conform to specific diets.

I'm just scared and don't know what to do. I want to practice safe sex but I don't want to feel sick all of the time. 

FPO aldangel
Joined Feb 4, 2015

Wed, February 04, 2015 3:11 PM

 Reply posted for aldangel.

Try taking it after meals.  Sometimes the hormone taken on an empty stomach may cause upset.

I've been on Loestrin for years. It regulates my cycle and works great, low dose is the way to go.

Good luck!

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Wed, February 04, 2015 2:48 PM

 Reply posted for aldangel.

I am on "TriNessa" and haven't had any problems with it. Not only does it help my periods, it also helped make my ovarian cyst go away (I switched to this BC after I kept getting ovarian cysts on my other one). Maybe check it out? if you can stay on birth control I would say deff do that, but of course your health comes first. Best of luck!

FPO jennasanto
Joined Feb 4, 2015

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