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Getting used to remission...

Wed, March 18, 2015 10:43 PM

So I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2011.  I am currently 27 years old.  My original symptoms were constant diarrhea so I lost a lot of weight.  I'm only 5'1 to begin with but my skinniest was about 89 pounds.  After being diagnosed with a moderate case of UC, I was prescribe Lialda and have been pretty much fine since.  My weight went up to 102, 103 which was great.  But now Im starting to weigh 106 and 107.  Sometimes it's bloating.  I hate to say this, it might sound weird, but I had gotten so used to eating whatever and having diarrhea and it all came out and I didn't have to worry about my weight.  So now that I'm having normal movements, I'm missing being able to eat and then just let it all out.  Does anyone else understand me or have something similar?  

FPO kaleidoscopeyes
Joined Mar 18, 2015

Sat, July 18, 2015 5:47 PM

 Reply posted for kaleidoscopeyes.

I think I know what you mean.

My weight has fluctuated so much the past few years.
Sometimes I feel fat and chubby and worry about snacking... right now I'm on a down slope losing weight and trying to eat as much as possible so I don't disappear.  At the same time cutting out processed foods and red meat has really reduced my cramps.

I also worry that i've been sick so long i've forgotten whats its like to have normal bowel movements.

Anyway not sure if that helps but thought i'd share. youre not alone!

FPO mrsgali
Joined Sep 24, 2013