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antibodies for remicade

Tue, June 09, 2015 2:22 AM

Hi people I am gaining a high antibody count and my doctor said I will probably have to switch to humara (sorry don't know how to spell it). And I'm kinda scared of it. But what I was wondering is has anyone gone thru or going thru this and what you did and felt/feel while it was happening. Thanks a bunch!!

FPO anime.geek
Joined Jun 9, 2015

Tue, June 16, 2015 11:36 AM

 Reply posted for beautifulmess08.

Thanks a lot for the response it means a bunch. :-)

FPO anime.geek
Joined Jun 9, 2015

Tue, June 16, 2015 11:32 AM

 Reply posted for anime.geek.

Hi, I had a similar situation, though I started with Humira first. I feel Humira was easier, just a shot and you can go on with your day. It is a little strange to have to give yourself a shot, but you can do it. My advice is to ice your injection site down while your pen warms up. It will numb the area and make it easier to do. Good luck!

FPO beautifulmess08
Joined Mar 30, 2014