Names Gean, I'm 23 and been dealing with Ulcerative Proctitis since I was 19. Ulcerative Proctitis (UP) is similar to Ulcerative Colitis only difference, I believe, is the affected part of the intestines. Got tired of being on Prednisone and Lialda because I seemed to have undesired side affects from the Prednisone and the Lialda was not having any affect. Been off medication for about a year while also working. Been tough to hide my symptoms with constantly running to the bathroom but somehow made it through one school year. Had to regain from eating while at work and also occasionally skipped breakfast which caused me to lose 25 pounds in the past year but I guess it was necessary to make my work days manageable. Looking to talk with like afflicted people I guess, seeing as it's difficult to get friends to understand what I'm going through and tired of having to explain myself every time I am not able to leave home because I'm not feeling well. Trying to stay positive but it's tough. Hope everyone's doing well.
Reply posted for kenzeejo.
Neither was ever discussed. I changed some of my dietary habits on my own just by seeing what caused me more discomfort and I guess it would be helpful to talk to a professional but then again I don't really see the point. I'll probably be told to attempt to do things that I'm not capable of doing when I'm not feeling well.
I was wondering when you were diagnosed did they only talk to you about medication? Or did you also talk to a nutritionist and psychologist? I read some people get a team approach with doctors, nutrition seems to be a big part of our symptoms, and I have also heard stress is too, which is why people talk to a psychologist..
Reply posted for kenzeejo.
Thanks for sharing. I recently came back to the forum seeing as this seems the only place where people understand what I'm going through. Definitely wish I wasn't as embarrassed as I am about my condition seeing as using the bathroom is a normal bodily function but being an "adult" that has to worry about accidents or where to find a bathroom above all else I've lost a bit of the joy of trying to enjoy anything else pleasant that life has to offer. I think just talking to people here will help bring some peace and joy to everyone afflicted so trying to stay positive.
Reply posted for gps8.
I am not sure if you continue to use this, but I am new to it today! I am also 23 and suffer from Crohn's disease since 2010. I just recently had to do 2 tests since I was showing symptoms again. The test came did not come back well and since they say I am to young for surgery They have referred me to Mayo. I relate to your story for being a young adult who suffers from an embarrassing disease..