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6mp for 12 year old

Fri, July 31, 2015 10:19 AM

My 12 year old son has ulcerative colitis.  Recentlly he had another flare-up and was put on Prednisone.  His last treatment of Prednisone was in November 2014, so his doctor now thinks he needs to start him on 6mp.  He also takes Apriso and mesalamine enemas.  Can anyone provide me with information/experience with 6mp in children?  My son also has autism, so knowing about his side effects is often tricky.  He has a high threshold for pain, so it is hard as a parent to figure out when something isn't right.  We know about his UC because of the way his poop looks.  

Thanks for help.

FPO fkayne
Joined Jul 31, 2015

Sun, August 16, 2015 12:04 PM

My 12 year old daughter has been on 6-MP for almost one year now. She takes a half a tablet every other day and she is doing fine.  Her Crohn's disease is very aggressive and she is currently taking Remicade and 6-MP.  It takes a while to adjust the proper doses of medication for each person but the effort is well worth the trials.  It is a great joy to see your child doing well after you have seen them hit the bottom.

FPO becky&mia
Joined Aug 16, 2015