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Pls Help!

Tue, October 27, 2015 5:47 PM

I am 22 years old and was diagnosed with UC Feb 2010. I'd been telling myself I'd been handling it very well the past five years when in reality I have not. I am constantly dealing with stomach pain, having to go to the bathroom urgently, gas, and now joint pain and bloating have become an everyday thing as well. Just saw my GI, after my first bad flare last week, who thinks I am ok. Other than doubling my dose of Lialda, which is now 4 1.2gm tabs every AM. I feel like I should know a lot more about this disease than I really do. Please someone help. How do I manage my symptoms? Is it possible to go a day without symptoms? What foods should I avoid? Other than staying away from spicy and greasy foods most of the time I've been eating what I want and just dealing with it afterward. I'm done just dealing with it. What foods are ok to eat? Should I keep a food diary? I am very frustrated and don't want to be anymore. I know there are people out there who have it way worse than I do but I just don't want to get to the point where the symptoms are out of control and I end up in the hospital.

FPO laurenmay143
Joined Oct 18, 2015

Mon, November 09, 2015 1:56 AM

 Reply posted for laurenmay143.

I would definitely agree with everyone else, a food journal has helped me out a lot. Because we all have the same thing, but we can't all eat the same thing. Best wishes to friend!

FPO applehoney
Joined Oct 8, 2015

Wed, October 28, 2015 2:59 PM

 Reply posted for laurenmay143.

I would definitely recommend keeping a food diary! It has helped me a lot to realize what I can and cannot eat. I have learned through my diary and my doctor and nutritionist, that every person handles food differently. That's why I would highly recommend the food diary because the foods that trigger my symptoms may help you to feel better. I can tell you that alcohol and carbonated drinks are a trigger for me, as well as raw vegetables if you want to try that. But I really think a food diary is your best bet. Good luck!!! :)

FPO southerngirl
Joined Jan 17, 2015

Wed, October 28, 2015 12:47 AM

 Reply posted for laurenmay143.

I found that keeping a food diary for a few months was very helpful. I have Crohns and have discovered that all dairy, and most gluten products cause flare ups and bad reactions. I can only consume small amounts of processed/artificial sugar too or else I'm hurting. I've found a lot of alternatives to dairy, sugar and gluten over the past two years but it is not easy. Keeping a food log will help you figure out what days are bad and what foods could be triggering your pain. 

FPO kristendwyer
Joined Jul 6, 2017

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