Hello, fellow Crohn's and Colitis fighters! I'm Jessica (or Jess, which is what most people call me). I'm about to turn 27, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's AND Colitis when I was about 13. Lovely. The basics: I was hospitalized at age 13 for 8 1/2 days for anemia from blood loss. I had a PICC line and had 2 pounds of iron put in me. Back then, I tried Prednisone, enemas, Asacol (which I found to be evil for me), Entocort (I think) and eventually Remicade with 6MP. The Remicade/6MP cocktail kept me in remission for something like 8 years. Not without ups and downs, of course, but incredible nonetheless. But then, after a nasty breakup, my mom developing cancer, losing my job, and not being able to find one for 6 months, the stress ignited an awful flare that I've now been fighting for 8 months. Remicade no longer works. Again I've tried Prednisone, Entocort, Balsalazide, Pentasa, and now I'm on Cimzia with 6MP. I've only had one dose and have my second one this Tuesday, but I'm not feeling very hopeful. I know it can take awhile to help, but being in a flare this long has all but destroyed my spirit. Only a couple of my friends sort of get what I'm going through, but this is one of those things people just don't really get unless they've been there. So I guess I'm just looking for people to talk to that understand it better so I don't feel so alone.
Reply posted for jess1189.
It can be difficult to find anyone that cares to listen to you besides family/loved ones or doctors for more than a few minutes without just feeling bad for you but nothing more. __I feel like now more than ever myself having UC since 2005 and having to change from Lialda to Humeria to Remicade all within 1 year with a one week hospitalization it is easy to see who your true friends are and who arent. Flare ups are part of what we deal with and my current flare up has my doctors thinking I have also IBS on top. Who knows maybe in a few years or 5-10 years I will think everything is fine but informed I have Chrones. __The worst part of these diseases are they can wreck you emotionally, ruin relationships, jobs, and make you physically weak because the onslaught bathroom trips that wipe you of presious vitamins and nutrients we need just to survive. __Every single day can mean such much more than weeks, months, or even years in the past when everything was "normal".__I have had a very hard time with relationships (friends & personal) since I was diagnosed with UC. Ive tried to think I was the issue or was too restrictive during uncertainties, missing hanging out, or lose of interest. It really is just others without the patience, love, or stuck in their own lives to care enough.__Frankly your not alone at all and never will be if you reach out to someone for advise that is going through these diseases or just simply read someone elses wall of text online.__I have a hard time reading some of these posts from younger kids/teenagers and cannot begin to imagine how rough it is for them. Literally I just end of tearing up or rolling a few man tears praying no other children (or anyone) has to keep dealing with these diseases.___ I hope any of this is reassuring/helpful to anyone.
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