Hi, This is my first post, I'm 16 and I've been treated for my symptoms for about a year now but sadly for 14 years my symptoms where written off as a lack of potty training but when I became 15 I started sports and a construction job and I pushed myself so hard I worsened my symptoms, then on top of that I received a concussion in a game and in result caused my symptoms to get even worse, when I went back to school every day every class I would leave a puddle under me and finally after two weeks the school said that I need to stay home (early 2015), ever since then no one from my school will respond to my messages, people I thought who where very good friends are no longer talking to me, It's been a difficult year.
Reply posted for robertpatton09.
I love hanging out with my family and friends. I call my extended family, my sibling circle. There's this one time where we all went camping and I really had a good time. We all went down to the beach and it was really fun. I swam a lot by <a href="https://khaleejmag.com/category/business/">online business news</a>. I love swimming and I'm pretty good at it. I learned how to swim when I was about four years old. I just remember going to this place and I kept on playing in the water. It was a lot of fun, so I'm happy because I love the beach.
Reply posted for atheistlilmac.
The social life has been in the making of the most important topics of the year 2016 in the month of February. This is my first post that is a unique way of the <a href="https://britishwire.com/" rel="extenal">breaking news</a>. The ways that can be written in the lack of training and some more things to be the trend in the world that are the symptoms of the social life of the young adults in the year 2016 are treated as the most important topics in the month of February that are the symptoms of the social life of the young adults in the year 2016.
Reply posted for robertpatton09.
The social life has been in the making of the most important topics of the year 2016 in the month of February. This is my first post that is a unique way of the <a href="https://britishwire.com/">breaking news</a>. The ways that can be written in the lack of training and some more things to be the trend in the world that are the symptoms of the social life of the young adults in the year 2016 are treated as the most important topics in the month of February that are the symptoms of the social life of the young adults in the year 2016.
Reply posted for ysera.
The social life has been in the making of the most important topics of the year 2016 in the month of February. This is my first post that is a unique way of the <a href="https://britishwire.com/" rel="extenal">breaking news</a>. The ways that can be written in the lack of training and some more things to be the trend in the world that are the symptoms of the social life of the young adults in the year 2016 are treated as the most important topics in the month of February that are the symptoms of the social life of the young adults in the year 2016.
Reply posted for atheistlilmac.
Social life is a topic post that is associated with the young adults in year 2016 in the month of February. This is my first post that is treated as the trend in the making of the symptoms in wise essays that can be written in the lack of training and some other ways.
Reply posted for atheistlilmac.
i know how you feel, my condition got worse and i lost over half my friends. i have 1 friend in my state, and a small group of friends online. it really sucks not having any contact with real people. im in the house all day long because im homeschooled, its not fun. stay strong though <3
Reply posted for atheistlilmac.
Wow, my heart breaks to hear the treatment you've been receiving from your "so-called friends". Kids can be really cruel and it simply isn't fair.
I agree with the previous post of not looking back. Start making new memories and new friends. Have you gone to Camp Oasis? If not, I highly recommend it. My daughter went for several years and has created some true friendships. The kids she has met can all relate to her, which is something the ordinary neighborhood kids couldn't. Liz has reached further and tried new things at camp she never would have attempted.
Also, extraordinary kids like yourselves have rights. One is the right to a free and appropriate education. It sounds like you may be on home instruction, but that is something that you may work towards changing. Hopefully your dr can tweek your meds / diet and you may be able to do 1/2 day in HS and the balance @ home. This way you can have the best of both the comfort of your home and some socialization with the ordinary HS kids. The school can also make accommodations for you. My daughter used to have an "any time pass". Any time she needed, she could take the pass and head to the rest room / nurses office. She also was permitted to have a water bottle and snacks as needed.
Be encouraged that your situation can improve, keep the faith and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Best wishes, Liz's Mom
Reply posted for atheistlilmac.
This will be my first post as well, so my credentials are: male, 29 years old, moderate Crohn’s Disease symptoms started Labor Day weekend 2009; diagnosed January 2010. Two relapses since then, currently stable on Remicade since November 2011, in regards to physical symptoms. Now emotional and social well-being that is another issue.
Having read your post and countless more from different people on these forums shows all kinds of hardship, some I can relate to and others that just amaze me at the adversity that people are dealing with. That takes perseverance, patience and tells me about their character, like yourself.
I can empathize with how people you thought were your friends do not seem to be that. I would not focus your attention on them as they either do not care, are busy in their own lives or perhaps do not know what to say or do with someone with Crohn’s or Colitis. I had similar experiences with people just not responding either. I don’t have any real friends either. In all honesty, I had a real friend in 1997 and then again 2011-2012. Everyone else are acquaintances or people who cannot be honest with me that they cannot handle what I have to say regarding my condition and my concerns and therefore not truly friends.
My advice to you is to look ahead and not back, I must have wasted so much time feeling bad, upset and bitter about being abandoned, it did not help. You can learn from your past or you will be stuck in it and won’t help you, your family or future friends who may just be around the corner. Have you considered perhaps online high school education? I sincerely hope my comments were encouraging and helpful.
Ande'thoras-ethil (May your troubles be diminished)
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