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Thu, May 12, 2016 6:38 PM

Hi guys, I am 14 years old and I have had Crohns Diease since I was 12 ( a week before my 13th birthday). Well, ever since then all the boys in my school laugh at me and tell me I'm too short for a girl my age or that I shouldn't skip school, which I never do, if I miss it's because I'm sick. Other things that they do is whisper about me while I'm right by them. What should I do? I'm about to start highschool and I feel like it will get worse. I've tried to tell certain ones but it doesn't seem to work. Some of them have gotten some of my friends to do it also. I only have 2 friends that have Crohns like me but one lives 45 minutes away and the other lives out of the state I live in. I can only talk to a few people about this. Please reply, thanks so much.

FPO sbarnes24
Joined May 12, 2016

Wed, June 01, 2016 4:38 PM

 Reply posted for sbarnes24.

I got diagnosed a few days before 22, so I can't relate to getting teased about having IBD in high school. However, I can absolutely relate to getting teased in general. When I started high school, I was still the weird guy. I had no friends. People loved to make fun of me, and it hurt. A lot. But after a while, I realized the best way to get people off your case is to make light of your own situation. Make jokes about IBD. Be open with people. If you joke about something new with people, you're making it okay to talk about and be comfortable with the idea of. I started doing that and eventually I wound up graduating with hundreds of new friends. In short, be positive. IBD is a serious disease, but don't take it too seriously. Remember to laugh at yourself. Best of luck!!!!!

FPO mbosche94
Joined Jun 1, 2016

Wed, May 18, 2016 7:50 PM

 Reply posted for sbarnes24.

i can promise you, life will never be easy. the older you get, the more you learn to ignore the idiots who bully you, and focus more on your friends and family who truly love you and understand you. stay strong! dont listen to the idiots. like i said in my reply to you on my post, feel free to talk to me on the social medias i mentioned. hope we get to be good friends <3

FPO itsemyo
Joined Mar 2, 2016

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