Hi there, I have been having stomach problems for about 8-9 years. I'm 26 now. I have frequent severe abdominal pain, like I'm going to have diarrhea but may only be mucus, small very soft weird looking stool or some mucus with small amounts of blood. It comes and goes, usually lasting a few weeks then gone for a few weeks. When I have the urge, I have bad abdominal pain, nausea and sometimes sweating. I, at times feel like I'm going to pass out. Joint pain, inner mouth sores at the base of my gums and cheeks, joint pain(knees and ankles- sometimes wrist) I have been having this for a while now but has gotten so bad and frequent that I finally made an appt to gastro. I had an appt with one when I was 18 for the same reason, colonoscopy was scheduled and all but I chicken out and did not go because my mom had passed away from colon cancer and was afraid of what could be. She was 48 when she was diagnosed last stage colon cancer and was 52 when she passed away. She had stomach problems as well but I can not recall what she had, frequent runs to the bathroom because of loose stool. Do these symptoms sound familiar to you? I really think it may be ulcerative colitis but I have an appt on the 30th. Another thing that happens to me is when I eat, I get so bloated as if I am 8-9 months pregnant, no matter if it's just an apple.
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