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Support group for people around my age

Sat, November 05, 2016 8:52 PM

So I was diagnosed back in September of 2014. Its been a little over 2 years. I am 25 now. I have participated in the Take Steps event so far once and had gone to another event before. It was a nice experience, except that I didnt see anybody that was my age or even close. I have tried looking online for it and either there is rarely any activity or not much information to go along. I do wish to participate again in the next year, but dont feel like I can find someone I can relate to without there being like a 10+ year age gap. So was just curious if there was anybody close to my age with this. 

FPO gir
Joined Nov 13, 2017

Sun, August 27, 2017 5:21 PM

Reply posted for gir.

This is similar to me I am 17 and I was diagnosed with Microscopic Colitis last year but I have had Colitis my whole life.  The only person I know with Microscopic Colitis is my great aunt.  It's really hard to not have anyone to talk to my age with Microscopic colitis since it is not very common.

FPO KHeiser
Joined Aug 27, 2017

Tue, August 01, 2017 2:47 PM

Reply posted for gir.

I was diagnosed at 16...I'm currently 23. I have yet to find anyone else my age either, at least in person. There are lots of young adults out there struggling like us, thank God for this forum so we can connect with each other and not feel so alone. 

FPO HannahRenee
Joined Aug 1, 2017

Wed, July 19, 2017 1:26 AM

Reply posted for Jsmit102.

Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel. I am 28, have had UC since I was 14, and luckily (hah) developed other autoimmune issues as a result of the IBD. On July 25, 2016, I had a total abdominal colectomy with an end ileostomy and have had many health complications that started on April 10. Although I have my mama and best friend to vent/cry/talk to and I am forever and deeplu grateful for them both, I only know older individuals with UC and it is really hard explaining what is going on with me sometimes. If you ever want to talk, my email address is :)

FPO nylimasaurus
Joined Jul 19, 2017

Wed, May 24, 2017 5:44 PM

Reply posted for gir.

Hey. I'm in the same boat. I'm 30 years old and it seems like I only see people in there late forties and older no matter where I go. This doesn't help much with the self esteem side. 

FPO Jsmit102
Joined May 23, 2017

Mon, April 10, 2017 9:38 PM

Reply posted for shelbs24.

My Crohn's was/is really bad and I tried taking Remicade because my GI said it was stronger than Humira so it had a better chance of working and it did absolutely nothing to help me. I have been receiving monthly infusions of Entyvio for the past 8 months or so and it has worked amazingly. I actually feel some days like i'm sort of getting some normalcy back. So what i'm trying to say is that you should definitely ask your doctor about Entyvio and I wish you luck!
I remember the struggle of trying to find a medicine that works and my mixture of an infusion of Entyvio every 4 weeks in addition to a daily mercaptopurine pill is the magical potion that is working for me at the moment. I hope you find something that gives you some freedom from the bathroom dependency. 

FPO reneet95
Joined Apr 10, 2017

Fri, March 24, 2017 7:26 PM

Reply posted for gir.

I am 27 and still haven't gotten a solid UC or Chrons diagnosis (after a year of different medications).  Frustrating and annoying.  They want to put me on azathioprine but not sure that the side effects are worth the relief.  I have six kiddos and an active life, but not sure that I want to introduce the opportunity for more issues.  

FPO JuniorBassist
Joined Mar 24, 2017

Thu, February 16, 2017 3:57 PM

 Reply posted for gir.

I'm 24 and I was diagnosed with IBD about a year ago. I tried humira and I'm currently taking Remicade, but it's not working!! I know how you feel because I don't know anybody around my age that has these problems. I can't go anywhere unless there is a bathroom within a short distance haha. It's taking over my social life! I wish I had someone that could relate. It's embarrassing to try to meet new people without having to use the bathroom every 5 minutes lol

FPO shelbs24
Joined Feb 16, 2017

Wed, February 08, 2017 12:03 PM

 Reply posted for gir.

Hi! I am 25 and was diagnosed last year, although I've been suffering with digestive problems since high school. I'm on Lialda now and I had to miss four days because my job switched health insurance and since then I've been really sick. It's been about 4 weeks now and it starts to take its toll mentally. Trying to stay positive!

FPO kiersten419
Joined Feb 8, 2017

Thu, February 02, 2017 11:22 AM

 Reply posted for gir.

Hi All! I'm 25 and I've had Crohns since I was 12. I'm currently going going through a really bad flare and would love others my age to talk to. I've been on every medication under the sun, so if you need any advice or support, I'm here for you!!! My email is if any one is interested in chatting!

FPO amandat21
Joined Feb 2, 2017

Sat, December 03, 2016 7:03 PM

 Reply posted for gir.

I hear you! I'm also 25 now and it's really hard to find people around my age who understand. Mainly why I'm reaching out to this support community.

FPO khutch888
Joined Dec 6, 2012

Sat, December 03, 2016 7:03 PM

 Reply posted for gir.

I hear you! I'm also 25 now and it's really hard to find people around my age who understand. Mainly why I'm reaching out to this support community.

FPO khutch888
Joined Dec 6, 2012

Fri, December 02, 2016 10:52 AM

Please contact the local CCFA Chapter in your area.    If there are enough people in your area in your age group, the local staff may be able to help you get started with developing a support group.
Also check out Campus Connection at:

FPO administrator
Joined Oct 12, 2017

Thu, December 01, 2016 8:53 PM

 Reply posted for gir.

Hey there I had the same problem too. I am 24 years old and was diagnosed when I was 15. I have never meet anyone at all with UC. Even then when I go to the doctors office all I see is people who are older. It would be nice to finally have someone to talk to who I can relate to. Hope you get this :)

FPO toothfairy
Joined Dec 1, 2016

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