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Becoming a teen with IBD

Mon, January 01, 2018 11:54 PM

Hey everyone, 

My name is Rory and I am 15 years old. I was just diagnosed with Crohn’s disease about a month ago but have been feeling symptoms for almost a year. Being in high school and being the only kid in school that has Crohn’s or even has heard of it is difficult and frustrating. When I first started having symptoms back in April 2017, I had only severe facial swelling along with painful ulcers in my mouth so it was hard for me to eat. My doctor thought it was my wisdom teeth so they were removed. But months went by and I still had bad swelling and pain. But for the last few months the swelling moved from my mouth to my large intestine and colon, along with the ulcers. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy, which confirmed my diagnosis. I have lost a lot of weight from lack of appetite and stomach pain and I am now 10 pounds underweight. My doctors explained that my body cannot absorb nutrients as easy as everyone else, so I have to start taking supplements and completely changing my diet to fit my needs. Currently I am on 2 antibiotics and 1 medication to reduce swelling, but I just has a blood test to confirm I can start a new medication. I’m also in a lot of pain and in the bathroom frequently due to Crohn's itself and the meds .This is all super new and very stressful. I’m learning about Crohn’s still, and am trying to find things to help my stress (which is a major trigger of mine for a flare up). I used to have symptoms when I very young, but have been in remission as long as I can remember. This is all very overwhelming and crazy, but the best thing I can do is stay positive and breathe. I'm open to advice, stories, and tips:) -Rory

FPO rorysissonx
Joined Jan 1, 2018

Wed, January 10, 2018 9:10 PM

Reply posted for sophietripp.


Thank you so much for replying:) I would love to chat anytime, it always helps to talk with people who understand, and I don’t have very many people who do. My email is if you ever want to talk!!!!

FPO rorysissonx
Joined Jan 1, 2018

Wed, January 10, 2018 6:28 PM

Reply posted for rorysissonx.

Hi Rory,
First of all, I love your name! I was diagnosed with Crohn's 8 months ago and I am 14. I totally understand what you are going through. I was almost 30 pound underweight when I was diagnosed and I also understand the struggle of trying to get back to a regular weight. I also get flares from stress. High school is tough. If you ever need anyone to talk to lmk! 
          - Sophie

FPO sophietripp
Joined Jan 10, 2018

Tue, January 09, 2018 10:33 PM

Reply posted for rorysissonx.

Hey Rory, My name is Becky and I was diagnosed with Crohns when I was 6, almost 21 years ago. While I'm obviously not a teen any longer I know what it's like to be in high school and struggle with it. I had to be homeschooled for half a year due to a teacher who wouldn't let me use the bathroom causing such anxiety I flared horribly. If you're interested I have some tips and tricks I've perfected over the years to make things a little smoother, I'd be happy to share. Or even just listen if you need someone who gets it.

FPO processpending
Joined Jan 9, 2018

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