I was diagnosed in 2016 two days before I turned 16. I hadn't dated anyone before I was diagnosed and have recently begun to form a relationship with a guy. I have been struggling with figuring out the best time to tell him about my Chron's disease. Does anyone have any advice?
Reply posted for KRiegel.
Thank you. This is really helpful.
Reply posted for marchingclari.
Being in a relationship with someone that you know will be supportive of you and your circumstances is so great. I'll be honest, it'll probably be super awkward (but what isn't these days, amirite?) but it's a great feeling when you start to feel comfortable talking about it. If he recieves it well, keep him around a bit longer. It's really good to have that support system. Just make sure he knows if you aren't comfortable with him talking about it to other people. For example, I know some people cope by maing jokes about themselves but if that's not you, let him know so that he doesn't try to make you feel better one day and end up making things worse :)
Reply posted for marchingclari.
I totally understand how nerve-racking it is to tell someone you are interested in that you have Chron's. If you think they will be understanding, tell them as soon as possible so you are not too far into the relationship. You need to be sure they will support you at all times, and if not, leave them behind. Chron's is a tough thing and you need nothing but positive influences at all times.
Reply posted for marchingclari.
i would sugest you tell him fairly early on. that way it can explain all the frequent bathroom trips and all the other symptoms. if your boyfriend truly loves you he will love you any way. i got a girlfriend two weeks ago. it was one of the first things i told her about once i knew she was intrested in me. she has stayed by me and continues to help me.
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