For a few years I’ve had excessive wind and infrequent bowel movements but then would get Diarrhea for a day or two every week or so.
A few months ago I started getting awful cramping, nausea and diarrhoea, passing a lot of mucous too. This lasted around 3 weeks. I saw my dr who tested my stools for calprotectin which came back very high (400 when the normal level is below 50), which suggests inflammation in the gut. My symptoms eased but when I repeated the stool sample, my calprotectin still came back as 140. My dr referred me for a colonoscopy which I had last week. They took some biopsies but said everything looked normal. I now have to wait 8 weeks for the results. Since my colonoscopy I’ve had terrible nausea and bouts of diarrhoea again.
The whole situation is causing me a lot of anxiety... will I be diagnosed with a condition or does this sounds as if it’ll turn out to be nothing? Has anyone had any similar experiences?
Reply posted for Josie1993.
If you can, try to control the amounts of stress you put yourself and your body through. Stress is what gets me. Also, not sure if this is true for anyone else, but NSAIDS, like Advil, Ibuprofen, and Motrin, make my symptoms worse, so if youre taking any of those for pain, maybe try taking Tylenol or Acetametaphine instead.
I hope everything turns out ok :)
Reply posted for whiteoleander.
Whatever you are diagnosed with shouldnt be anything too serious by the sound of it. Let us know what your results are.
Reply posted for Josie1993.
hey in my personal opinion, and having severe/moderate ulcerative colitis it seems to soley depend on your stress levels, and what foods youre eating. For example fried foods, and caffine (coffee in peticular), can really mess me up and dry out my skin. Also, my mother (genetics) told me shes had allergy test, and that shes very sensitive/allergic to many foods yet eats them anyhow. Try to observe the foods/drinks your consuming.. I dont know what the answer is, but in my opinion it is our enviornment, and the foods we eat.
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