A year ago on new year's day my son who was 15 at the time got diagnosed with chrons and was in children's hospital for nine days. It was a scary moment for all of us. It was a huge learning experience about it all. I was worried about him being so young with such a disease and how he would handle it. He was in the beginning on a very strict diet of boost and very little food. (He is now on a normal diet.) And to all of our amazement my strong will powered son changed his diet and worked hard to accept his disease and new diet and new meds. He posted on his social media page an update on himself and after reading it I thought it was such a beautiful and inspirational paragraph, that I wanted to share it with other young newly diagnosed kids or even newly diagnosed adults. I am so very proud of how he has taken it all in and has such a strong outlook on everything. This is his post . a year ago today I was diagnosed with crohns disease and was in the hospital for a little over one week. I weighed 63 pounds and was 4’11. Now I weight 103 pounds and am 5’2. In the amount of a year I gained 40 pounds and am healthier then I have ever been my whole life. It has been a long journey of a year through trial and error with different medicines and doctors appointments all the time, but in the end I don’t know if I could have made it through all this if it wasn’t for my family and best friends. Thank you all so much for making this an amazing year for me and let’s try to make 2019 even better!
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