Reply posted for bugeyedfrog.
Hello there!
Firstly, I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I have been through it with my son & it was very difficult & worrisome. My son was in 1st grade at time & just seemed to keep getting sick & every tummy "bug" going around. Long story, but my mommy radar knew something was wrong & thankfully our pediatrician trusted my gut. My son had blood work & then we were sent to a Children's Hospital for more.
It was not that long after we did have the scope. Honestly, the blood work was far more traumatic than the scope. He drank something to relax him (which was a drama) but once he drank that they gave him the sedative & it was all fine. If it was not for scope we would not have had our diagnosis, and appropriate medication. If you could find out the procedure before, so you could prepare him, it would be less scary. We were told nothing & unfortunately the techs & nurse were not good, which was unusual. However, if we could have said to him, we are going to go in & will be with you & you will drink a little cup to help you so we can help your tummy. Then you could keep rest to yourself.
I have a much older nephew that they waited forever to do scope. Consequently, he suffered much longer. I know the scope sounds scary, but if they really suspect Crohns, it may be what you need to do. The team should be able to give you name of a psychologist at the hospital to lead you in how to prepare your son.
I wish you the very best. If a scope is needed, I would say do it so you can find out defintely. I dont know your son's symptoms, so you need to weigh those & any other options. My son had symptoms consistent with flare ups- vomitting & diarrhea.
Reply posted for bugeyedfrog.
I'm so sorry that you and your son are experiencing all of this. it's never fun, but especailly at such a young age :( I was 6 when I has my first scope (almost 21 now). In all honesty, the preparation the day before is the hardest part, but if you havent figured out for sure what's wrong yet, it would be worth it to do the scope.
Reply posted for bugeyedfrog.
Im sorry that tour little one is going through. My daughter who is 3 now was diagnosed with Uc at the age of 2. She didn't have lesions but she had diarrhea for quite sine time, eventuality she began having blood in her poo. Streaks then flat out blood. She complains of her stomach hurting, everyday. She was so anemic she had to have an emergency blood transfusion. At that time they scoped her. Her large intestine was bleeding and swollen. She was in the hospital 4 days. Now shes on Apriso 3.5mg a day. Doing FANTASTIC! Thank God. Its hard to see your child weak and lethargic, not eating or gaining weight. She eats what she wants as if now yo gain the wait she needs because ages 3 and 29 lbs. My 6m son old is 20 lbs.
Advocate for your children when it dosent seem right what the docs say, do your research for test you want the docs to preform. They are only human. I wait fir the day God will remove this illness from my daughter, He's more than able. When He does we'll be glorify His name for that.
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