I am feeling overwhelmed in what to do for my 17 year olds diett with ulcerative colitis. I am not sure if we need to try gluten free, dairy free, low fiber? Too many variables .. she is currently taking Lialda and doing nightly enemas. Her main symptoms are frequent bowel movements and blood in stools.
if anyone has any great resources on nutrition or things they have tried with similar symptoms I would love any input.
Reply posted for HLister.
Thank you-yes there are so many choices. It is definitely hard to convince a 17-year-old to totally change their diet and you're not even sure it's going to help..
but it seems gluten is the evil enemy for a lot of people. Has anything worked well for you? Medications are certainly trial and error.
Reply posted for klava.
I tried both eliminating gluten and dairy at the same time, and separately doing the FODMAP diet. From speaking to doctors and my own research those seem to be the most common diets. I unfortunately did not have success with any diets, but hopefully it'll help someone else! I found it incredibly frustrating to try all these different things and not have a lot of guidance with them, but my advice to you would be to try one out and see what happens. I wish I could be more helpful!
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