I just got out of a really bad Ulcerative Colitis flare and was told i can't work anymore. I feel so helpless with not being able to make my own money or live on my own. I was diagnosed when i was 14 i am now 21. I was wondering if anyone else felt helpless.
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
I can relate. I'm a college student and currently there's no support group on campus for students with IBD, though there are quite a few students who have this condition here. It is also difficult to make friends with my colitis. I am grateful that I have a loving family with many working in the medical field. I'm just trying my best and hoping that I feel better. I was diagnosed in 2019 and had a flareup during my first semester of college, which sucked. My condition is better than before, but still isn't the best to manage.
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
I felt the same but let's try make the best out of. our health come first.
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
It has been one of the most common diseases in recent years
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
I know I just commented on a different post, but I feel you on this too. I never really had "friends" throught high school and going into college, and I still don't really now. The only people that I have been close with and actually have been able to call friends in the past have all moved away or we only talk once or twice a year. It sucks, but the optimist in me just says that it is for some better reason that I will find out further down the road, until then, I am pretty happy hanging out with my family.
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
I hear ya. I have both Crohn's and Colitis, I was diagnosed August of last year, and it has been an interesting couple months. I am a 20 year old college student and it was hard trying to get my family to "understand" how I've been feeling. My symptoms started at least two years ago but I thought is was just intolerance to certain food groups, mostly dairy. Since being diagnosed, I have had a lot of issues with the school I am at, to the point where I had to medically withdraw, and am hoping to start back up this semester. And I too have considered options regarding working situations since I am sick so often; there is a state mandated program, depending on what state your from, that can pay for disability (Crohn's included). I luckly have been fortunate enough to have such amazing managers at my work that since talking with them about my disability, and providing proper doctors notes, been able to work out an understanding regarding any accommodations. But otherwise, I kind of have to see Crohn's as a new way of living, yah the diet I am on (low residue) is bland and can be terrible, the medications are not so fun, and the sickness is... well... yah, but I do have to admit experimenting with foods can be fun (I developed some awesome recipes for pizza, tacos, etc.)! (When in doubt, I just make myself excited by finding new foods to eat lol)
Reply posted for aleahmd.
Thx i will check it out cjz ik my family means well but they dont know wat i go through. Unless someone else has it no one fully understands it.
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
i get that, there was a point in high school when I missed almost a whole semester where I didn't really have a lot of friends I could talk to. The friends I did turn to were ones that I met through the Foundation's Camp Oasis program. They all have IBD as well and it was a releif to be able to talk to someone that could actually understand. If you did not attend Camp Oasis, the Foundation has lots of support groups, both in person and online around the country and the Power of Two program where you are matched with another patient who has gone through similar things. These might be good ways for you to make some friends and feel more in control. I know it is tough living at home at this age, but I think finding another community in addition to your family can help it seem less powerless.
Reply posted for aleahmd.
Problem is i dont have any close friends just my family
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
Hi! I am also 21 and it can be tough when I am sick not to feel helpless. what I try to do is find things that I can do like write essays and applications in bed. I also try to keep in mind that getting healthy is the most important thing right now so if all I can do is sew, read, draw then that's okay. I need to focus on getting healthy and then when I am, I know I will have more control. It can be a long, tough process, but I know I am going to get through it. It also helps me to rely on my close friends and family. They can keep me company and it's great to have someone to talk to.
I am sorry that you cannot work anymore, but there are other jobs out there that you can find. Transitioning is tough, but there are other jobs that will work out great for you.
Reply posted for Bettyysoteloo.
Do you want to talk some other way besides back and forth on here?
Reply posted for Chicluv35.
Hi, I'm 18, I was diagnosed with UC when I was 14.. I felt helpless when I was sick. I had surgery almost two years ago. If you would like to talk I am here. :)
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