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Crohn's and making friends

Fri, February 07, 2020 9:32 PM

Hi. I'm Kelsey and I'm 16 years old. I have been diagnosed with crohn's for four years. I always have trouble making friends espicially since I'm homeschooled. No one really understands what I go through and It would be fun and nice to have someone to know what it feels like to have IBD.
These are my social media's for anyone to contact me

My snapchat is: smallartpro
My Instagram is: kels_crafter_726 and smallartpro 

FPO crazycrafter
Joined Feb 7, 2020

Tue, June 30, 2020 12:36 AM

Reply posted for houseofhale.

Hi! I know this is really late, but I hope you see this. Have you considered Camp Oasis? I've been for 5 years now and it's a great community for IBD patients. You're surrounded by campers and counselors who know what you're going through. Since your sons a little older he would probably have to be a counsler, but it might be something worth looking into it. Everyone who goes enjoys it and gets something meaningful out of it. It's online this year, but they're trying the best to make it a fun experience online too. 

FPO daisydiamond
Joined Jun 30, 2020

Sat, February 15, 2020 7:11 PM

Reply posted for crazycrafter.

My son is 19 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the age of six. He was on remicade and achieved remission until he was 14. He developed antibodies, so we switched to Humira. We started with the pen and everytime I gave him the shot he would scream into a towel. It was awful. We switched to prefilled syringes and that was only a little better. He was on it for about two years, but he never achieved true remission. Then we switched to Entyvio. He was on that for two years as well, but it didn't work that great either. We just switched to Stelara this month and I'm not very confident that this is going to work either. We're at the end of the line as far as medications go. As a result of his illness, he missed so much school in high school that he wasn't able to nurture and maintain the friendships that he did have. He just became increasingly isolated and depressed. He has been seeing a psychiatrist for years and has seen several therapists. He tried to commit suicide the first week of January. He has absolutely no friends except for a few online. I have desperately tried to find a support group for people his age, but have had no luck. We did go to one group we found, but everyone there was way younger than him. We searched for a Meet up, but the only one we found in our area ceased to exist because no one was attending them. We live in Austin, Texas. I'm encouraging him to take a class of some sort so he can meet people and we're working on that. I am just shocked that there are no support groups in our area for him to meet other people his age with Crohn's or colitis. He can't possibly be the only one in the area that has Crohn's. Online support groups are okay, but he really needs to meet some friends in real life. I've searched and searched and have come to a dead end. He really needs a friend. Is there something I'm missing? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

FPO houseofhale
Joined Jun 20, 2008

Sun, February 09, 2020 12:00 AM

Reply posted for pnriley04.

Okay! I didn't get your @. What is it?

FPO crazycrafter
Joined Feb 7, 2020

Sat, February 08, 2020 6:27 PM

Reply posted for crazycrafter.

Hi! I'm 16 as well and I have crohn's! I am also homeschooled! i requested to follow you on instagram 

FPO pnriley04
Joined Nov 6, 2017

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