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Stress Busters

Tue, January 04, 2011 11:22 AM

How does everyone deal with the stress of being in college and having IBD? I was diagnosed with Crohn's in March 2010, and was in my 4th year of pharmacy school. I'm now in my 5th year, but pharmacy school is the definition of stress. I just want to find good ways to deal with stress so that I will be able to handle school and then my upcoming career in a year and a half.

FPO lemon0880
Joined Jan 4, 2011

Wed, April 06, 2011 2:34 PM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

Hey I'm 21 and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease a year ago.  School can be so stressful but I agree with everyone else: Exercise!  Try to find something that is fun for you though.  Zumba is great if you feel up for it!  You break a sweat, but it's so much fun in the mean time!  Bring a friend and just have a blast.  Hopefully it will take your mind off.  Also I like to just be outside.  Take a blanket to a park or field if it's a nice day and do your work there.  Or just people watch!  Hope this helps!  Best of luck!

FPO emiloo145
Joined Feb 16, 2011

Wed, March 30, 2011 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

I am also in college with Crohn's.  One thing that helps me is I try to pick days or times that I will use to study or do homework, and mix in something else that is fun to me that day.  One example is I love outdoors, so in early evening when I get out of class I may go hunt, fish, or do some physical activity such as the gym or sports.  After doing this, I will come back around dark and study or do homework. 

FPO nick p
Joined Jan 20, 2011

Mon, February 14, 2011 3:04 PM

 Reply posted for CapsMom.

Thanks everyone. These are all good ideas and advice. My son was concerned about going to see a psychologist because he didn't want "depression" on his permanent record. He's afraid it may affect his future standing in medical school or in getting a job if it's traceable. He is extremely depressed however and can't afford medical care.  

FPO kmccann4
Joined Jan 11, 2011

Thu, February 03, 2011 9:55 AM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

Be happy ur a student. U don't talk about ur symptoms or surgery that will happen. Try Remicade for sure if ur insured. I was about 28 at 1st major break of my whole body to a nothing state of skin & bone in the hospital without food for 2 weeks.

Thank God For Friends & Family

FPO crohns 1990
Joined Feb 3, 2011

Tue, January 25, 2011 11:42 PM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

To deal with stress, I go to the gym every day after work and during the weekends.  If I don't get to the gym, I get horrible insomnia now.  Also, I am a muscian.  I know music is a big stress reliever for me, so I listen and write new music when possible.  It keeps my spirit up.  I was diagnosed with UC last January during my second term after transferring colleges.  It was definitely hard to deal with not feeling well, but I did not want to give up on everything I worked so hard for.  Even with missing 2 weeks out of 11 week terms for the 2nd term, I made straight A's.  I ended up graduating this past December with 3.8 GPA for keeping up the pace.  All I can tell you is to keep your head up.  I know this is a difficult time for you, but try to take everything with a positive outlook. 

FPO emily kate
Joined Jan 25, 2011

Sun, January 23, 2011 9:24 PM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

i'm sure the school has a disability services department, most universities do. students can register and receive assistance with exams/studying/stress busters etc. usually the office works with students to reach out to their professors and really be their own advocate for whatever disability they are dealing with. they also provide counseling or support groups. usually all it takes is filling out some paperwork and providing medical documentation, and even if you don't utilize the services it is great to be registered and on file. that way if you need to leave for some reason, you might be able to get a refund or if you miss a lot of class or an exam the school can see that you are working on it. i work at a university and i have crohn's and colitis, i see alot of students going through the same thing.

also, they should be careful what they say to him, he shouldn't be discriminated against because of his medical history, it will make him a better doctor.

FPO amyplaysart
Joined Oct 5, 2010

Tue, January 11, 2011 11:54 PM

 Reply posted for kmccann4.


I'm sorry to hear about your son's situation. I can't speak for his school. It depends on their policy for readmission.

Personally, I never dropped enrollment. Academically things were going well, when my flare escalated. I remember thinking, how am I going to make rotations work when I am vomiting several times/day? I failed finals, and my school was understanding and worked with me to retake classes. I went through some pretty serious depression around this time as well. Ultimately, it was my mom who helped me get my health back on track, which had to come first.

If cost is an issue, there are patient assistance programs for some of the pricier medications, if your son's GE is willing to work with the manufacturers. There is also at least one ongoing trial for a biologic that could help defray cost.

FPO rome
Joined Jan 9, 2011

Tue, January 11, 2011 11:12 AM

 Reply posted for rome.

I just joined this Forum because my son (who has Crohn's) just quit medical school. He was diagnosed in 10th grade when his intestines ruptured. It took over a year to get under control. He was home schooled then got his GED so he could start college when he was 17. Got married when he was 20. He's 25 now and in 1st year. He told me he needed a break before he starts in, but I'm afraid he won't be readmitted. They told him he had to "prove" to them that his Crohn's won't be a hinderance! How can they even say that? He's been feeling ill but can't afford a doctor or meds because the school insurance is very limited; its purpose is to pay off school loans should an accident occur. Have you known anyone who quit and was readmitted? 

FPO kmccann4
Joined Jan 11, 2011

Sun, January 09, 2011 6:24 PM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well for you.

I was diagnosed during pharmacy school 5 years ago. I went through several treatments before getting things under control for a year with infliximab. I then switched to azathioprine, which was a mistake I paid for dearly. I eventually got things under control again and am on rotations, which are going well!

All I can suggest is to exercise, reduce any superfluous commitments you can (I know you have some, fellow overachiever), avoid switching therapies that work for you, and hang in there. Best of luck to you.

FPO rome
Joined Jan 9, 2011

Tue, January 04, 2011 2:49 PM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

I am also in college and I find stress the biggest issue, even though I'm not currently flaring.  However, it definitely impacts bathroom habits, sleep (which is bad for the constant fatigue), and for me, mouth ulcers.  I try to make it a habit that I go to the gym almost every day I have classes.  It has significantly helped my stress levels.  If I have a lot of studying to do I will bring a book to the gym, get on a bike, and read there.  

FPO erinw99
Joined Jan 4, 2011

Tue, January 04, 2011 12:41 PM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

Do you have access to yoga or tai chi classes?  My son (13) has UC and tomorrow night we are trying yoga to help him relax.  Hope you find something that helps.  Take care!

FPO joesmisha
Joined Nov 2, 2010

Tue, January 04, 2011 11:36 AM

 Reply posted for lemon0880.

Does your health insurance cover seeing a therapist?  My son has benefited from seeing someone to express his anger and frustration at having Crohn's and how it has limited his life. Exercise, if you can do it, can help a lot too.

FPO capsmom
Joined Jan 4, 2011

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