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Sat, February 05, 2011 2:11 AM


I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2001. For 8 of the past 10 years I was in remission and doing really well, but in early 2009 it came back with a vengeance. I ended up having surgery to remove a small part of my small intestine and for a while that helped. Since then it's been one thing after another, and it's wearing me down. For the longest time I was able to stay happy and up beat, always finding a positive no matter what. I'm having a hard time doing that anymore. It's hard for my friends to understand and my family is totally supportive, yet I still feel so isolated, and "alone".

I guess I was just wondering if you guys had any tips on staying upbeat...I don't know..anything at this point would be helpful :) 


FPO court90
Joined Jan 25, 2011

Wed, March 30, 2011 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Court90.

I think one thing that helps is to force yourself to have a strong mindset, but to be open.  For me, it helps to laugh at my bad luck, my family and friends do the same.  I like how you surround yourself with upbeat people you said, that seems to help me too.  Doing things you enjoy doing is also very helpful.  I am very country, so the outdoors is where I make my peace.  I love to hunt, fish, sports, things of that nature keep me in good spirits.  If you can train your mind to be tough and also mix that into doing things yo love and trying new things, it seems to help at least for me.  As of the moment, my doctor says I am in a kind of remission state for the past 6 months, so that is what I keep doing.

FPO nick p
Joined Jan 20, 2011

Wed, March 16, 2011 9:19 PM

 Reply posted for Court90.

Wow, First off I would like to say I am sorry that you have to go thru this. I know exactly how you feel. I've only had Crohns for 3 years now, and this has been the hardest year I've faced yet. I feel alone too at times, and like you I also have the support of my family and friends. Some tips from me, would be just to laugh. I know that seems strange, becuase this illness is nothing to laugh at, but it helps me at times. It makes me feel a lot better about my situation. I also just listen to a lot of music. I had to change a lot of songs on my ipod to avoid the sad, depressing songs. I just made sure I filled it with lots of up beat, songs that make you feel good. I'm also quite artistic, so I sing, make key chains, paint. It all helps me get my mind off of the the lonely feelings that sometimes I have.

I hope my tips work for you to keep you out the dump.

If you would like, we can talk more about our crohns, you can find me on facebook.

LaKiesha Elliott

FPO kieshanichole
Joined Mar 6, 2011

Wed, March 09, 2011 11:40 PM

 Reply posted for StaceyWhynaucht.


Thank you so much! You're right it does sound awful but it completely makes sense! My aunt has MS so I know how awful it is. I'm sorry that your mom has it :( but I'm happy to hear she is so positive about everything :) 

Recently I've just been surrounding my self with people that are upbeat and have been trying to get out and do more lol that seems to be helping. I'll add your suggestion into the mix :) 


FPO court90
Joined Jan 25, 2011

Sun, March 06, 2011 12:49 AM

 Reply posted for Court90.

I know exactly how you feel, I strugle everyday with trying to keep myself in good spirits.  I know this isn't a whole lot of help, but one thing that helps me is to just think about how much worse it could be.  As terrible as it sounds if theres someone you know personally who has been through a lot, not necessarily even crohn's, just look to see the struggles theyve been through and how they've come out on top.  My mom was in a plane crash when she was 24 in which she lost her husband of only 3 months and then later contracted Hep C from a blood transfusion she needed because the crash.  And then around 2002 she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, much worse than crohn's disease.  So everytime I look at her I just don't feel like I have the right to feel bad or have self pity, and she's always been an amazing and upbeat person so if she can do it so can I!  Hope that helps some

FPO staceywhynaucht
Joined Mar 5, 2011

Tue, February 08, 2011 10:45 PM

 Reply posted for Court90.

Hey! I am new to this website, and I am so sorry about being down in the dumps. I am 20 years old and I was just diagnosed today. I was wondering if you could read my post under "newly diagnosed" and maybe help me out a little...

FPO jordan189
Joined Feb 8, 2011

Sun, February 06, 2011 12:49 AM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

I had the starter dose of remicade a little over 2 weeks ago, but I had a delayed reaction so I didn't receive the second dose. My doctor wants to do a bit of research and then we'll decide where to go. Besides the remicade I'm taking 6mp, and that's it. Treatment is kind of up in the air

FPO court90
Joined Jan 25, 2011

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