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Prednisone Craze

Wed, February 16, 2011 12:33 PM

I am 21 years old and was diagnosed in May last year with Crohn's. I am currently taking time off school to try to get healthier.  Right now I am on all kinds of things but also Prednisone.  It is making me crazy!!  I am having all kinds of physical (in comparison they are not that bad) and mental/emotional side effects.  I have seen my doctor and everything is okay and we are quickening my taper but basically I just have to deal.  This sucks!  Anyone else had a similar experience? Any advice?

FPO emiloo145
Joined Feb 16, 2011

Wed, July 06, 2011 11:59 PM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

hi my name is greg and i was diagnosed with crohns some time ago. initially the damage in my colon was bad enough that my doctor decided to put me on prednisone. i can remember good things and bad things about the steroids:

bad things - excessive acne, mood swings

good things - i ate like no ones business and to this day i could not out eat myself. i see this as a good thing because before prednisone my appetite was so poor that i lost a ton of weight but within a week of taking it i gained my weight back. another good thing i found was focusing my energy on lifting...while prednisone is not an anabolic steroid (doesnt promote excessive muscle growth) i still was very successful at lifting because it didnt require cardio and i could take my anger out on the weights

FPO gmckee
Joined Jul 6, 2011

Tue, April 26, 2011 11:18 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Geesh...we all know Prednisone is awful, but some people just don't have any choice! 

Taper slowly some internet searches and try and find a way that works for you.  Good luck...I know it sucks!!

FPO mom2one
Joined Dec 5, 2010

Wed, March 30, 2011 12:47 AM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

I have had the same side effects.  I have taken Prednisone up to 40mg at times.  Finally I chewed out a very close female friend of mine one day for absolutely no reason.  The day after that I did not taper, I completely stopped.  My doctor said I had a reverse side effect called "steroid psychosis", and I am never one to get mad.  I would suggest tapering down, because I dealt with side effects from immediately stopping.  Patience is definitely a virtue with crohn's.

FPO nick p
Joined Jan 20, 2011

Wed, March 16, 2011 4:33 PM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

Hi. I am 20 years old & on 35mg of Prednisone daily so I know exactly what you are going through. I have been on Prednisone since my diagnosis of UC back in August. First started at 60mg, went down to 20, had another flare and went back up to 60mg.. within that time I was in and out of the hospital recieving 180mg daily through iv. I know the side effects of this drug are nasty, the moodiness, emotional suffering and the physical side effects like weight gain and puffy face. I've encountered all of them. And it seems that all of the side effects make my symptoms of UC worse. There is no healing when you don't feel good about yourself. But there is good news, this week I am starting to decrease my doasage and will hopefully be completely off it it by summer. I hope that Prednisone works for your diagnosis and you will eventually be able to not be on it either!

FPO angelnicole
Joined Mar 16, 2011

Sun, March 06, 2011 2:12 AM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

Hi. I'm 19, and I have had crohns disease for almost 3 years. I have taken that steroid in the past and I can tell you I feel your pain. I've had the mood swings, the bad attitude. The moments of constant solitude,, and just about anything else that comes with that particular medicine. I'm not on it at the moment because I had such bad reactions (emotionally and physically) but I can't tell you that if you are not comfortable on that particular medicine I would ask your doctor of some other alternatives that will help with the pain. I know it seems like I'm just talking nonesense, but I hope this helps you in any kind of way.

FPO kieshanichole
Joined Mar 6, 2011

Sun, March 06, 2011 12:40 AM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

I feel your pain!!  I have been on and off prednisone for the past two years, this last stint has been for almost a year now.  Every time I try to ween off of them as soon as I get down to 5 or 10mg or so I start to flair up and have to go straight back up to 40mg.  I don't think I've ever hated anything as much as I do prednisone!  If it wasn't for somewhat helping the pain I would never take it again in my life!  Since I started it 2 years ago its caused me to gain 50 pounds, be hot constantly (sometimes to the point that my bed is soaked with sweat in the middle of the night), be constantly agitated, and so many other things, UGH!!  The only advise I can think to give you is to try and be on them for as little time as possible.  I think I'm having a much harder, if not impossible time try to get off of them just because my doctors have had me on them for so long, and now the only option seems to be surgery.  Just hang in there!

FPO staceywhynaucht
Joined Mar 5, 2011

Tue, March 01, 2011 2:00 PM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

Hey there, I'm 21 going on 22. I was diagnosed with crohns then colitus back in 2007, so I've been dealing with the disease since and have been on prednisone since. There isn't a whole lot what you can do to stop the effects other than try to get your diet under control and help get off the prenisone. I  can attest that long term use is definitely not something you want.  Hopefully you will be able to get off the steriods and not have to get back on them. Good luck.

FPO moses
Joined Aug 29, 2008

Tue, February 22, 2011 1:24 PM

 Reply posted for emiloo145.

Hey there!  I'm 19 years old with Crohn's as well.  I was diagnosed about three years ago, so I have been through pretty much all the drugs and side effects.  I've really never felt good on any drug during the course of these years.  I'm currently going to a junior college, so I understand how difficult it is to attend school when feeling so poorly!  I'm currently on Humira and the dreaded Prednisone.  Neither seem to be helping.  As far as the Prednisone is concerned, the only thing I would advise is to avoid any salty or processed foods, as this can exasperate the physical side effects.  I know exactly how you feel on the emotional side effects!  It makes me so grumpy and angry all the time.  I wish I had better advice as to how to cope with that, but I'm trying to figure that out as well!  Good luck with everything and hope this helps a little!

FPO kid24
Joined Mar 24, 2009

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