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Prednisone Problems

Wed, May 11, 2011 10:01 PM

Hi all,

I am a 20 year old college student living with ulcerative colitis and seems like every semester around exam time I get flare ups.  I was on Colozal for about 4 years and never had any problems until my pharmacy changed my medication to generic medicine.  Since then I have had problems about every 6 months for the last 3 years.  Last year I was switched to Lialda and added Rowassa enemas when I had flare ups.  However this last flare up has lasted since December and I tried the steroid enemas a few weeks ago but they didn't seem to help.  Two weeks ago I had a colonoscopy and my doctor said my inflammation was so bad that I needed to start Prednisone.  My main question is how long should it take for Prednisone to start working?  I have been taking 40mg every day for almost two weeks and I have not seen any improvement and actually the stomach aches, blood and sudden need to use the bathroom are getting worse and I even have to get up several times during the night to go use the bathroom.  I heard that Prednisone was the "miracle drug" even though it had all these horrible side effects but I am tired of waiting for it to start working!

FPO swim1990
Joined Apr 14, 2011

Sat, May 14, 2011 10:21 AM

 Reply posted for EZ.

p.s.  my daughter is also a 20 year old college student who has UC (diagnosed 4 years ago).  She takes 2 probiotics per day (plus 4 Lialdas per day)...she just stopped Azathioprine because she was getting so sick since she started UCSB as a transfer student this year she needed to get her tonsils out in December.  The probiotics she takes are called Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion by Renew Life.  She was taking one per day but her IBD specialist said now she needs to take 2 since she's off Azathioprine.  He said some UC patients have "bacteria overgrowth" and taking probiotics may help plus watching your diet (staying away from foods that have or cause added sugars).  She stays away from junk foods, fast foods.  She really shouldn't drink coffe or alcholol either.  She rarely eats meat too.  She is allergic to fresh fish but will eat chicken.  Good luck.  I hope you are feeling better soon!!!

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Sat, May 14, 2011 10:16 AM

 Reply posted for swim1990.

I agree with Mom 2 Mom about generic vs. name brand.  My daughter's doc said the same thing about the fillers in generic may not work the same way although the main ingredients are the same.  Maybe the company can also give you a discount card.  My daughter has one through Shire for Lialda.  My daughter has been on pred 2 times starting at 40mg.  I'm not sure if your doc told you about sodium....look at all the labels and try not to go over 2,000 mg per day because that is what gives the puffiness and weight gain.  So many foods have so much added sodium.  My daughter wrote down all the mg. per day and she only gained 2 pounds (her doctor was shocked).  Doc said to stay away from canned foods, frozen foods and limit dairy (so much sodium in canned and frozen foods).  I actually found seasoning with no salt, chips with no salt, catsup with no salt so check the labels.  Also I found the cheese with the least amount of sodium is swiss, others have so much.  I hope you are feeling better soon.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Fri, May 13, 2011 12:04 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

I am suppose to stay on the 60mg of Prednisone for one week and then call my doctor back.

FPO swim1990
Joined Apr 14, 2011

Thu, May 12, 2011 6:09 PM

 Reply posted for swim1990.

How long will you be on the 60mg of Prednisone? Usually when I am on Prednisone, we already have a plan for how I'm going to taper the dose so that I don't have to stay on higher doses for very long. If your doctor isn't planning on tapering it I'd definitely see what another doctor might think.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Thu, May 12, 2011 1:14 PM

 Reply posted for Mom2One.

Ok thank you.  I actually spoke with my doctor today and he decided to push me up to 60mg of Prednisone each day, plus 2 cort enemas a day and Lialda.  He told me to call back in a week but I think if I don't feel well within the week I am going to look for a new doctor because I don't think such large doses of Prednisone are a good idea.

FPO swim1990
Joined Apr 14, 2011

Thu, May 12, 2011 11:30 AM

 Reply posted for Mom2One.

see if you can take Colazal again - your Dr can write for brand will have to pay more but if it keeps you in remission it is worth it.

FPO mom2one
Joined Dec 5, 2010

Thu, May 12, 2011 11:28 AM

 Reply posted for swim1990.

The first time my daughter took Prednisone, it worked within 12 hours.  She has been on it 5 times total and this last time it hardly helped at all.  If you are not better after 2 weeks I would think it is not the treatment for you.  You will need to wean off can't just stop taking it. (talk to your Dr)

Is there any way you can get the original brand of the first medication you were taking?  Call around to pharmacies and see who carries that brand. I know everyone says all generics are the same, but I don't believe that. Different fillers can cause a medication not to work on one person when it works perfectly well on someone else.

Best of luck to you...I can imagine it is so hard going thru exams when you don't feel well

FPO mom2one
Joined Dec 5, 2010

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