i may have crohns diease my reg doctor is sending me to a GI doctor to be tested for it my name is leah and i am 26 years old and i also suffer with chronic pain its hard for me to even get out and have fun like bowling with my husband or taking my dog storm for a walk because i am also in chronic pain i just joined this site today to make new friends who know what its like to have crohns my doctor is almost 100% sure i have crohns i have been sick for 2 weeks now and there is something going on to cause me to be this sick i am having alot of stomach pain also have had the diarrhea for 2 weeks and it has not stoped and i am sure i am loseing weight to i have been throwing up to and i have been to the er 3 or 4 times just for ivs because i cant keep anything down and also when i eat or drink anything it goes through me when in mins i am running to the bathroom i dont know when my appt will be with my GI doctor but i will update more when i know when my appt is
Reply posted for mayhavecrohns.
oh yah come join the crohns family at ccfa camp oasis. here you can meet kids our age and gain friends
Reply posted for mayhavecrohns.
the symptoms sound like crohn's but it is good that you are going to a gi to be totally sure of the situation. right now sounds like you are having your inital flare which is always hard especially since it's probably like nothing you've gone through before. while new to the site i'm not new to crohn's i was diagnosed in 1998, probably the first steps to take once you see your gi is to sort out your problem foods, chances are he'll tell you you can eat what you want but i found out from my own experiences and what i'm sure other people can testify to, is that's just not the case lol. unfortuantly every case of crohn's is person specific so you have to find out what works for you through trial and error, for example my problem foods are anyhting containing processed sugar and any form of starch i.e. candy, bread, corn etc. it's a life style change for sure but oddly i feel that i am much healthier now then before i was diagnosed. but i hope everything works out in your favor and you never know maybe its just a bad bug :p
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