My name is Ashley and I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2009, I have had flares for months at a time and I am finally under control. However, when I feel more stressed I have light flares and I don't want to ever go back on Prednisone again!! I am in a English class and I'm doing a research report on IBD patients and how they deal with stress and cope with flares. I was hoping that some of you could take some time out of your day to fill out my questionnaire for my research. Thank you !
What IBD do you have?
When were you diagnosed?
Are your flares frequent and how long do they last?
What kind of medication do you take?
Does stress have an affect on your flares?
In what ways do you cope with stress? For example, yoga, exercise, support groups, therapy?
Is there a support group in your area?
Would you if you don't already, go or talk at a support group for Crohns & Colitis?
If you have any other comments, I would greatly appreciate it for my research!
Thank you again and good luck!
Reply posted for ashleygrater.
What IBD do you have? --UC
When were you diagnosed?-- 2008
Are your flares frequent and how long do they last?-- very frequent (every week or every other week.) last very short amounts of time (day or 2)
What kind of medication do you take?-- 6mp
Does stress have an affect on your flares?-- yes.
In what ways do you cope with stress? For example, yoga, exercise, support groups, therapy?-- Yoga, Martial arts, Therapy. Im also on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication to try to stop have panic attacks from my stress.
Is there a support group in your area?-- Not close enough for me to really attend. (45-hour long drive away)
Would you if you don't already, go or talk at a support group for Crohns & Colitis?-- Yes.
Reply posted for ashleygrater.
What IBD do you have?
When were you diagnosed?
Just diagnosed this past spring, but I've been suffering from this for a few years now.
Are your flares frequent and how long do they last?
My first flare lasted for about six months, had me in the hospital a couple of times. I went awhile without a serious flare, other than just a month or so at a time, but now I've been having a bad one since January.
What kind of medication do you take?
I have taken Prednisone, Sulfsalazine, and asacol, waiting to be approved for remicaid.
Does stress have an affect on your flares?
Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm a high strung person, so it's hard for me to pinpoint when I'm even "stressed." And there's plenty of days that I feel perfectl calm but my symptoms are still insane.
In what ways do you cope with stress? For example, yoga, exercise, support groups, therapy?
Hmm, good question, lol
Is there a support group in your area?
I think there's a few in southwest ohio.
Would you if you don't already, go or talk at a support group for Crohns & Colitis?
I never would have said yes to this until very recently. My physical limitations are finally starting to affect my emotions, and even though my mom and boyfriend are very supportive and caring, I feel like it would be nice to talk to someone who really truly GETS what I'm talking about or feeling or understands firsthand why I get so emotional about it.
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