My son who is 14, diagnosed with crohns last august, is having bad abdominal pain. It was bad last summer when the weather got hot. He says it burns and cramps. We were told by his dr that he probably has IBS along with it. We have tried prilosec and carafate which made his pain worse and nauseated. He is on zantac which sometimes helps. He has robinal (think thats what it is) for the cramping which sometimes dull the cramping but not always. Tried pentasa but it worsened symptoms too. He has pain always, but is usually tolerable. Actually, his pain was much better the months of april, may and most of june. He is careful what he eats and drinks. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
Reply posted for wandmaster.
what is zero point energy wanding?
Reply posted for frustratedmom13.
I hope your son is doing better. I used to flare up every year in the fall and winter around the holidays. I was diag when I was 43, 18 years ago and I tried all the different drugs and finally ended up on Remicade and Immuran. And I stayed on them for 9 years, the possible side effects of Remi are horriffic so a year ago I heard about Zero Point Energy wanding and it changed my life. I have been off remi for 6 months and I am reducing the immuran so I hope to be off it in 3 months. I havent had a single serious flare up since I started wanding. Like everything, theres no guarantee it will work for your son, all I know is it worked for me. Good luck. Sandy
Reply posted for frustratedmom13.
I do flare up during summer mostly. Sometimes in spring, but rarely in other times of the year.
Reply posted for NeverEnding.
thank you.
Reply posted for frustratedmom13.
My first ever flare up was in October of 2008, and the next one was in October of 2010... and then I was kind of on a rollercoaster after that flare where it wouldn't go completely away. I've heard others with Crohn's say that they flare around the same time every year, but I don't know that I've ever seen any medical documentation about it anywhere. Also, in the summer heat its easier to get dehydrated, and dehydration makes stomach cramping worse. For me I've kind of found that I end up in an ugly cycle with flares and dehydration because they definitely don't help each other out at all. I never used to be one of those people who always had a bottle of water with them, but now I am, and I think it really helps out.
Reply posted for frustratedmom13.
I don't know if it's seasonal or not, and everyone is different, but it may help you to know that I flare every Spring for the last 3 years.
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