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Flare Ups in College

Sun, September 11, 2011 10:12 PM

So I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease as a senior in high school, and by the time I started college my initial flare-up had ended.  I am now a sophomore in college and just started my second flare-up.  I just started the usual treatment of high doses prednisone and was wondering if anyone had any tips on coping with the side affects in college? I live in an apartment so I make my own food, does anyone know of any recipes that I maybe should try? Low fiber but still filling?

Thank you so much!


FPO lzg5070
Joined Sep 11, 2011

Sat, October 29, 2011 12:44 PM

 Reply posted for lzg5070.

Hey, I'm also in college and have UC and live in an apartment with a kitchen so I make all my own food. I cook every day. Eggs, Fish, Chicken etc. BTW the cookbook that Alan recommended seems really good one and I would check it out if you want some ideas. I get a lot of my recipes from youtube's foodwishes. 

But the thing is, you can look up as many recipes as you want, but it won't give you the information that you really need in order to truly help your condition. There are books out their that can really help you to get an understanding of what types of foods to eat in general as suppose to specific meals.
My favorite is Restoring Your Digestive Health by Jordan Rubin. I'm sure you can find a ton of others also. 
Some other advice, since you're in college, take it slow. Don't overdue your schedule. If you take 3 or 4 classes a semester and 2 or 3 classes every summer than you can still get a degree on time and you'll be less stressed and have better grades. I started out taking 5 - 6 classes a semester for Exercise Science and I ended up doing really bad in them and being stressed from staying up late trying to do work. Now I take 3 or 4 classes and am doing so much better in school. 
Try to stay in college as long as you can. Not only is it the best time of a lot of people's lives, but with this economy it's really hard to get a job.
Good Luck

FPO lr08f
Joined Oct 29, 2011

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