Hi everyone.. I've had Crohn's disease for about 4 years now. I'm 20 yrs old. Ive been on, Pred. & Entocort. Im currently on Pentasa, Nexium (for acid reflex) & Imurhan. I was in remission for a good while. But there is always a certain amount of time when my body gets immune to these medications and eventally stop working. So my doctor decided it was time to get on something new. Remicade!
I'm a little concern about the side effects? Being on Pred. I loss a lot of hair, bones are very weak, rosey cheeks, acne, racing heart beat, etc. So I'm kind of traumatized & am not looking forward to what kind of side effects I will be facing when I start Remicade. Even though I know Remicade is not a steroid.
Just want to hear someone elses experience when they got their first and second infusions. Thanks :)
Reply posted for ang91.
I was diagnoised with Chron's when I was 14; I am now 24. I have been on Asacol, Imuran, Prednisone, and now I am taking Remicade. I have been on Remicade for a little over 7 years now and it has controlled my symptoms the best. From my understanding Remicade's long-term side affects aren't as bad as Prednisone's. I too have weak bones from the prednisone and are taking alot of calcium and vitamin d to make up for this. My first two Remicade treatments were pretty uneventful; they do make you extremely tired and I usually allow myself a couple days to just rest afterwards. However, a couple years ago I did have an allergic reaction while they were infusing me so now they give me IV medication before hand to prevent allergic reactions. I also have had my dosage upped many times. I started with every 8 weeks with a dosage of 5mg per kg. I am now at every 6 weeks with 10mg per kg. Overall, Remicade has controlled my Crohn's symptoms, but I find that I pick up colds alot more.
I hope you have success with controlling your symptoms
Reply posted for alanschachter.
Do you have an email or wesite I can reach you at for more information?
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