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Tue, January 17, 2012 1:06 PM

I am in college and am moving on campus this semester instead of commuting like I did the past 2 semesters.  I'm moving into an apartment on the 22nd. I do not know the girls I have been placed with. It's a great place. Each roommate has a private room, there are two bathrooms (which generally are shared with one roommate specifically), a dining room, a "living room", full sized fridge, and a stove.

My guess is that the three lived together last semester. I don't know them at all and am working on an email to send them before they come back and I move in to tell them about myself and find out what things they do and do not have.

I've told many people about my disease and am not ashamed of it. Usually when I tell a new person that I have Crohn's it is somehow brought up in conversation ("no i can't eat that." "why not?" "I have Crohn's disease etc"  This is my first time living on campus, so I don't know how to handle it as it's different than telling people because it comes up in conversation or something. I looked on the CCFA website but they didn't seem to have much to say on telling roommates about having IBD when you go to college.

Here's what I need help with: Should I tell my three rooommates in the email that will be my first contact with them? Should I just tell the one roommate I'll be sharing a bathroom with? When should I tell them if not the first time I contact them? How do I tell them?

FPO mibutterflywing
Joined Sep 14, 2011

Tue, March 06, 2012 3:14 AM

 Reply posted for MiButterflyWing.

I've lived in several situations with roommates and I always just let it come up in if they asked me to go out to drink and I said I'd go but i'd be DD because I don't drink or if we were eating and said I couldn't eat something...they always ask why lol. My roommates have always been super understanding. One of them even had an uncle die of Crohn's complications (dont worry, that was way before conventional treatments!). Don't let it stress you, just be open with them and non-chalant about it, they'll understand!

FPO jmcbrid2
Joined Mar 6, 2012

Sun, March 04, 2012 10:19 PM

 Reply posted for crogers8705.

I agree with Croger! I would tell all of the roommates but I would definitely tell the roommate that you will be sharing the bathroom with. I had the same set up in college and I only told the one on my side and she wasn't very understanding. She wouldn't give me space to take my rawasa at night bc it was a small room. Then the next time I got a handicap room with a big bathroom so I could take the meds and my roommate told everyone about my gas. So I left some blood in the toilet for her and that shut her up.

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Wed, January 18, 2012 12:50 AM

 Reply posted for MiButterflyWing.

I would tell your roomates exactly what you have and how it effects your everyday living. Especially if there are 2 bathrooms, I dont know how many times I wish more homes had 2 bathrooms. They may not understand what your life is like at first but once they are living with you they may get a better understanding of it. You never know they may know someone that has it. 

FPO crogers8705
Joined Jan 5, 2010

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