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Not sure how I feel

Thu, February 16, 2012 12:33 AM

This is my first post and really not sure how to start. I was diagnosed with Crohn's on January 11 and have been kind of taking everything day by day. At first I was relieved that now i know what this thing is I can fight it. But as time has passed my feelings have gone into a loop. Some days I'm just lonely Others just angry and depressed. I'm not sure how to feel. I always try and look at the positives in everything but some days its a lot harder then others.

FPO chris22
Joined Feb 15, 2012

Wed, April 11, 2012 9:49 AM

I remember my mixed feelings of relief, confusion and sadness when I was finally diagnosed after months of being sick, and the many more months it took to get healthy again. I think one of the most beneficial things you can do is find a really great counselor or therapist. If you are worried about the stigma of seeing a counselor, don't be. More people see one than you realize, and having a chronic illness almost necessitates having someone to look after your mental health. (I personally think just being a teenager necessitates that!) Honestly though, look for a counselor with experience with your age range and experience dealing with the overwhelming emotions that come with illness and diagnosis and try out different ones until you find someone you can be truly honest with. Ask your GI office for recommendations. Good luck! Remember that you're never alone <3

FPO seattle93
Joined Feb 6, 2012

Wed, April 04, 2012 8:28 AM

Hello, My name is Miranda. I’m 22 years old and I’ve had Crohn’s disease for about 8 years now. I agree with Joan, having crohns isn’t a easy journey at all but it does get easier to accept and deal with in time. Dealing with and All those things you feel sound pretty normal to me. When I was officially diagnosed with crohns I was so relieved and to tell you the truth a bit smug. I had been feeling sick for such a long time and you a while I kept being told it was all psychosomatic and that I was making myself sick because I was stressed and depressed. But then the relief fades and the happiness I felt when I finally knew what was wrong with me and how I can fight it wavered. I got angry because I felt like I had no control over my body anymore and sad when I had to miss things like parties and family events because I was sick or in the hospital. And depressed when I tried to talk to my friend and family about it and while they sympathized, they just couldn’t understand. Not really, not the way I needed them to.Loneliness, grief, overwhelm.. I don’t think there was anything I didn’t feel at some point. Its good to keep a positive attitude.You’re gonna need it. But the best advice I could give you is to just take it one day at a time and that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. We have all been there. Some days you’ll feel great, some days you’ll feel like crap and then other days you’ll have no clue how you feel.Listen to your body, don’t try to overdo things or stress yourself out. Finding someone who supported me helped. My mom has been my rock through this entire process. She believed in me when no one else would.  She took me to doctor after doctor, taking care of me and letting me rant when I was angry and cry on her shoulder when I was sad. Having someone in your corner to fight your battles with you makes all the difference.If you need someone to talk to, Im here

FPO mandyraem
Joined Apr 4, 2012

Sun, February 19, 2012 11:11 PM

 Reply posted for chris22.

Hi I'm Joan!
I'm 19 and I've had Crohn's for almost 4 years. It is not an easy journey, but it will get easier to accept and deal with your diagnosis as time goes on. When I was first diagnosed I was very emotional and confused a lot of the time. If you're on steroids that definitely can contribute to mood swings, too. It's important to try to stay positive. I  believe that everything happens for a reason, and in the long run I have suffered a lot from Crohn's, but I have grown stronger because of it.  I also like to remind myself that Crohn's does not define who I am, it's just something I have to deal with. Stay strong and try to stay positive :) I'm here to talk if you need anything.

FPO jquinn513
Joined Aug 9, 2010

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